Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 130, 4 June 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Kerosene 011. ‘ THE ALOHA,’ High Gr#de OiL Frice Moderate. ak T. H. DAVIE8 & Co. bt16 1s> Empire Saloon, S0UTH-E*ST C0R1£R Njuanu and Hotel St'eetS. Choice >/ines, Liquors £igars A Sp end><l A<s<»rtiuent of lfAf>O^T ED P\f««Ly WlfiES Port cf Sherry, 23 Yea~S o!d. E. N. KEQUE. . my5 3m Mauag-r — Sans Sūuci HD r I'EL, WAlKiKi, UUNOLULU. » * First-Class Aeeommooations for rourists and /sfand Guests , S UPER!0R BATHING FAC!UTIES. Pnvate Cottages for FamilieS. T. A. SIMPSON. Manager. Capt. Wm. Davies, INTER-ISLAND PIL0T . FOK. Any Port or Lancliny in the Ilawaiian Lslancls.J lnqnira at ofSoe ot J. S. Walku over Spieckel’s Bank. ,feb l4»tf. F. GERTZ. IIAS KE -OPENKP FItS Boot & Slioe Store, tne Ciub * Stable ou Fort Slreet. and will be g'ad to aee his old fneods. m.iy7-tf. O. T. AKAXA īailoi" 324 Nuuana Street A.11 Suit« Guaranteed To Eit and in the.Late.st Style. Clothes Cieaned and Kepaired. ool7 DAX. LY()NS CL\SSES Meot at Arion Hall everv TC ESDAY and FRIDAY EYEN - INGS, at 7 o’eioek. Also, on every Satckdav ArtKBXoos, at 2 o’eloek. Tnitton. 25 Cents for eaeh Leaaon. and satisitction gnaranteed or no cbargea made.