Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 130, 4 June 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
I LEW!S & C0. ; Who!esaie and Retaii ,6ro AXD PROVISION DEL\LERS. ?RE5R CAUFORNIA 5ALM0N ON ICB Br Everr S*a Franciiico 8U’amcr. SlLT Salkov IX Barrels A Specialty. Ill Fort St., HohoIuIu. Tcl. 240. P, O. FtoX W.W. WRIGHTiSON Mm £ \Va?oū Builders 0 c Ix All 1ts Bbaxches. Horseshoeing A SPEC1ALTY. 97 anO 80 Kinp St.,HouoluIa — I \Lerchant Exchange Corner King anu Nuuanu Streets. S. I. SHA\V...,M*nager. Th" Finest se!ection of LIQUOES »nil BEER. sold naywhere in tbe town. First-class &ttendance. Call and judge! for yonn>clI. no H3-tf. H. MAY & Co., Tea Dealers, Coffee Hoasters 1 « AXD Provision Merchants I 98.Fort Street, - Honolalu Farailies, Plantations aml Sbip.< sapplied with cboicest European & American Groccrie* California ProUace by Every St©T,mer. CALIF0RNIA Wine Company 407 FORT STREET, Mclnerny Block. ' JOBBERS OF j and ! SPIRITS CHEA? FURNITURE ! ¥11© FAT & Qq, Corner of Eicg sc«l Eeihal Sta., Houolala, -0£Ter a large as>ortrneot of fine aod desirab!o ll PURMTURE. 1. ahieh tb«y a t a reiy low fig•f;ore. Baraaas, Moit (Safes. et«., at prices e to aalt even body. Cai and iospoct for yoarselves u aaar 13 YLNQ P^IAOO.