Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 130, 4 June 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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HOLO^U^, |H rOBLISHED l*2vorv vVfteruooii ESCEIT RCM)AT BT TfIE Eo'.omua ?ublishiag Co. At KingSt. (Tbomas b!ock), Houoluln. II. I. suBSC3rrr::::, per Manih. 5C ct& Thr J« «r !* delivered f.r C«mm in the t..«n au.l »uburbs. "inKle Oopie*. f >r Salo »1 the Nnrs lM?alt.r» »i»d »t tLe Otfioe of j.uhIic»tion. FDUUHD N0RRIE. - - Editor OtORGE E. SVITHIES ■ Manager XOTICE. All linMinem Ooniin-jmci»tion» shonld be •<iiir«Hs..'l to ō«ori*e E Suiithiw Honolulu, U. I. C.rresi*on(ience an.i eonininnienlion» tor imhlieaiion should be .id<lressed b> the t<litor lUwuii Holomna. No nolioe will be paid to iii(>uymout) oomuiuuieAlioiiii. JIusinoss Cards A. 1\ PETEKSON, ATTOKXEY AT LAW. Otn,.. : m Ka*buiDann S*jeet, Honoluln llaviar.au l»Unds. CHAKLCS CREIGHTON, attouney at law. tvfi..-: IH Kuhamm Street, Honolulo Hnnaiiau Islunds, PAl’L NEUMANN, *TTOKNKY AT LA\V. 311 Merchani Street, Ilonolulu, Mutual Telephone 415. CLAKENC£ W. ASHFORD. AT1VRXEY AND OOUNSKLLOB AT LAW, 0*Vce. OId l'apit<d Bnilding. (Honolnln H;de), a<tjoining Pi>»t Offioe, Uouolnln. jOHN 1.0TA kaulueou, ATTOKNEY AT LAW, OHioe, ooruer Kiug A Bethel Sts, LEWI8 J. LEVEY, Henl Kstate aud General Auctioneer. Oorner Fort «n.l Quecn 3lreet» Hooolnln Personal attenti-'n g:v“n to Salee uf Furnilure, Roal Estate, Slook aiul Geueral Meiehamli^e. ltatual T<-lechone 23S A. ROSA. ATTORXEV Al.LAW, No. 15 Kn\humanuSt.,Honolulu Hawaiian islamls. M. H, LOHEIDE, hK'.N AND OKNAMEXTAL PA1N1EE. [Hawaiian Uanlware Co.J All onlers promptly attended to. THOMAS LINDSAY.. Munnpuiu rin>j Je\rrln a'\d Wittchmakrr, Melneme IUoek, 4ft\ Fort. Str. Hnwihihi w. s. Lue: 3 Wiue and Su>irit Merchaiit CtmpbeU Firt-)troof Block, |i£ROHANT ST. UONOLOLU