Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 130, 4 June 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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WM. DAVTES, | Ris:ger, | Stevedoix> axd \V recker. Ij?rniATES AXD COV7RACTS OX ALL KDTD«S OF WO*S. | — The Schoooner w.L m.n r»vūl»riT be(veeii tlu» port xn<l Waulo*. Kawailiap'l, Mokaie.*. Keave&ai ' mnii Kniki n the isU.nri >A Oaūn. For Freigbt. etc , appiy to the C«ptam. Inquire at Oeie- of J. S. Walker. ovt-r S]>reckels’ Bauk. or Wrigbt Broe F«>rt Str<s t. \r ■ - - Lone- ; Branch |BATHING Establish ment. Tbis First-class Bathmg Resort bas beeu enlarge«l an»l is uo» open to tbe public. lt is tbt best p : ace on t!ie isiau< 7 s to enjoy a batb anJ th<-re i- no better plaee to lay oii. S|»ecii»: aeeom modations for Lailiea. in.iuieanpass the door everv b;df bo irand on Saturdays aud Snnd:iys every fifteeu uiiuutes. 0. J. SH£RWOOO Proprietor DAI N 1 l’l’ON Hotel street (Arlington Block.) TI e abovo St<>re Los reoeiveil auothtr Spleudi>l Iuvo.ce »1 / APANE5E ILK, r ANCY jjOODS, Per S. S. “China.” —eoaeaHiNO—BEAUT1FUL SILK |AND CRAPE, Dre*s Goo>Js in ail sh«,le, j>Uin and tīgareil, Cashions, Table Covors, BedCovers, Gowii<, l hcuiises, Shawls. Si Crape Hainlow Silks, AU Colors Fancj- Draperies, EMBROIDERED HANDSERCHIEFS Doillits, So;»rfs, Sasb.es, Jackets, Cajis, Etc., Etc. NOVELTIES: The P>-ioesof these Goo-ls will astonisiiyoB| iuclu>liug ELEEaNĪ SILK K1M0N08I Haadaotuc Cigarette C.ir<es. Piu Caihi>ms, Silk Te» Cossies, L1RGE 4M» SMILL J l>J\t>E KIGS Silk raibrellas, 1īgkt hat stroug; Ch*ir Sa.i.ilt-s Sdk; Bmuboo Bhu U. ri:t«s-l with pallerb; SUk Lamp Sha>ies, u> w »;yle. J.I1MNESK SCKEENa, Fram «3 l p, 1 LIRGE J PiXESF U«BRELLiS ISet with po'e in the grnnn.i, niee for Picuics or Lunohes ont o( doors, they enn be opened out or ased as m teut. CoTT()X CRAPES 1N GREAT VAR'ETY Inspevtion Re«pectfal:y lnvited. HRS. J. P. P- OOLLAOO. ?roprietres». Aprl2-3nis Dr. Eel. Armitage, [. B. C- S. [Eag.] I/. R. C. P. (I»nd-} D. 1 F. H. [CniTerwty <d Cnt lale of WuiiK*, l»land <f Kaaau. e |ASKSTABI.ISHEn HIVgELF 1S THI I I ol&oe tora»erly >s:vuj-k> hy I>r. Fuot« >met <A L>ei and Fu tohbovl Sue«-s — OFFlCE HOVKS: — I • tO II m.m :2 U» 4 p.m.; 7 U> 8 pJB. BcNtun-. 2 io 4 p.m. U«to*l T«L 234 tBjrS| f«LB«U M1