Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 130, 4 June 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Kerosene Oil. , 4 the aloha; Hfh Gr d» OiL . Pnee Mod»*rat»*. st T. H. 0AUIE5 & Co. m»16 lm Empire Saloon, South-East Corser Nuuanu and Hotel StreetS. Gh,oice Winea, Liquors Gigars A Splendid As>sortinfcnt of p\f«ILy Wl[iES Port cf Sherry, 23 YearS o!d. E. N. KEQUE, ioy5 3m Mausg-r iSans Snuci HUi'EL. WAIKIKI, aUNULULU. ■A 1r irst-C/ass Aeeommoaations for fourists and lsfand Guests 3upērior Bathing Fac/litiēs. Pnvate Cottages for FamilieS. T. A. SIMPSON. Manager Capt. Wm. Davles, /NTER-/SLAND PILOī FOH Anj* Port or Landing- in the Hawaiian Islands. lnqnire nt ofl5oe of J. S. Walkkk over SpreckeTs Bank. feb I4—tf. L\ GBBTZ. . IIAS RE-OPESKD H1S Boot & Shoe Store, Oppos!te tlie C!ub • Stnbie ou F*>rt Street. and wi.l be glud to see his old frtends. in.:y7-tf. C. T. AKANA 6]ePG5aiit īailop' 3*24 Nuuanu Street A.1I Suits Guarante©d To Fit aud in the.Latest Style. Clothes Cleaned and Repaired. no!7 LY()N8 □ANeiNU classes Meet at Arion Hall erery 3 rUESDAY and FKIDAY EV£ V j 1NGS, at 7 o'eloek. Al>o, on ?rery S\tvrday Ajtbexoo.y, at o’oloek. luiliou. 25 Cents for oaeh and satis/,iction guaror no cbarge« made. Ō-tf.