Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 130, 4 Iune 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
OCEAXIC SteamsliipCo Time Table. [/K’Al. LIXK. S.8.Al’8TRALIA. ArriT» H •t» ’h>!o H«th>!bIii From Sv lney for San Frandsco. Le «ve Honolnla. M«ripos» Mar 8 Monowai Apr 5 Almneila M«y 3 Munpimi M»y 31 Mooowui J ne ‘28 A)ame«i July 26 Muri|»OHa Ang 23 M l owui Sept 20 Ala<Tie«ii Oct 18 Anchor-:-Saloon Kx “AUSTKALIA.” An«»ther Inv«ice of the World Renowned FREDERICKSBURG LAGER BEER On (lranght and by the keg. Also, as a Specialty, Smll Fresh California 0YSTERS, KOU COCKTAlLS mayl 3m« Chas. T. Gulick N0TARV PUBLIC For tlie Islan«l*of Oahn. Ageut to Take Ackno**le«lgments to Labor Contracts. Ag«‘nt t«> C*rant Marriage Lieens«*s. Honolulu, Oahu. Ageut for the Haw’n islau«ls of Pirr «v Sooti s Freight aml Parcels £xpress. Ag«»ut f«>r the BurIiugton Koute. M £s(3ts Braier aad Greaeral °-it Bell.Tel. 348; Mut. Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. OFFICE: No. 38 MERCHANT Str*H»t Hon«»luln-H. E-Lib:ishe«l 1863 Pioneer Steam Candy r«CTOl!V BACK£RT ai ICĒ CR£&H PASLŪRS F, H0RX, Proprietor. TT 'edding aml Dirthday Cakesto Order. Fancy Brend and Guava Jeliy. F»ctory an«l SU)»v, - No. 71 Kiog Both Tolephones 74