Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 130, 4 Iune 1894 — AN ASSURED SUCCESS. [ARTICLE]
The lUh of June Wil.; Be Properly Celebrated. The arrival yesterday of tho horses from the Horner-Ballen j tyne stables sc*ttled the fear en- i tertained by sportsmen that the raoe-meeting to be held under thr auspices of the Hawaiian Joc’ie\ Clnbon tbe llth of June woule either fall through or to a certuii extent be a failure. The prosp€ch. are now that tbe commuuity wil be able to witness one of the
finest and most interesting racei ever seen here. Tbe track 'aa{ never been in a better oondition. The horses can’t help beating their own records when they heai the “go,” and get a ehanee to fl\ over the track. The horset bronght down by the Homen are Amorino, Lolokulani, Kainlani and Qneen L. They are ii charge of Carl Leonard, who wil' ride them. Seuator Stanfcrd Leilani and Antonomy of the Ga\ stables will make it warm for the Mani horses. The trotting ane pacing races also promise to b«bighly interesting. Tbe Clnl> stables have got some excellen: horses and some Houolnln recorda
will be broken. Colonel Corn- | i well bronght down a trotter yes- ' terd<y from Maui, bnt he bas no;, i yet decided if he will enter him. | Mr. Giffard is deserving of grea j credit for the energy with whiel. | he has iaken charge of tbc | i arrangements for the meetmg. : and it is to be hoped thāt all | Honolulu will turn oat in fall forct> j j a* in days of o!d. Thero will b*> j all possib!e coaveaieaces both for | j the “o\ttar” man as well as for i the “inn« r> ” and the cartailing of the prog« rmm e will be apprei S ciated by man y who in former , | years, falt 9Qmewhat tired of speoding the who\« long day on the track.