Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 130, 4 June 1894 — The Arawa. [ARTICLE]
The Arawa.
• A The C. A. S. S. Arawa arnved bere from Sydner on Satoniay nigbt. Sbe left Sydney on May 19tb. and arrived at Fijii on the 25th. A large nnmber of passengera were on boanl her all booked f >r Victoria. Sbe brought 50 tons of freigbt for this port. and took away 1300 bunobes of i ban.mas and 2000 bags of rice. She left yesterdHy at 12o’clock. : Captain HayWard of the Mariposa left by her to join his vessel | in San Fniacisco, otber pasaen- i gers from bere were Mr. and Mrs. J. N. S. Williamsand Mrs. W. L. Green who go to Scotland. Messrs H. Croft, E. U. Bnckner • i i I
anei L. Lansberger a!so took 1 passage on ber. Among ibe i tbroogh passengers frum Sydney j ' wer« the following delegates to the Inter Colonial Conferenco to be held at Ottawa: Sir Henry Wrixon, Hon A. J. Thynne, Hon. i T. B. Satton. Mr. A. Lee Smith, Hon. N. Fitzgerald and Hon. Simon Frazer. Sir Henry Wrixon was accompained by , Ladv Wri*on. Franoia, Leo ele. Harden didn*l go aa e*pected. ; There waa noi room enongh on i board to hold him.