Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 130, 4 Iune 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
Tbe Gaelic tomorrow. CongrataUtions, Papa Hewett' Alame<ia will be here on Tharsday. * The Hawaiian Lodge meets tonigbt at 7 30. Will Johnny H*yward match *■ Whi»kers.” Colonel Cornwell arrive<i yester*lay by the C!aa<iine. • D-uliiy” Green is doing good work on the race track. It isa p1easnre to kamaainas to see Cart Leonard aroond again. • ————— Mr. Joe Carter is exjiet'ted on the Alameda. Ue bas had quite a vacation in California. Waikiki was not vis : ted by many peojile yesterdiy. Don’t , they need a bath? NextThnrsday the Unwaiisand Kams will meet. Tbe Uawaiis elaim that they are going to win. Sans Sonci will keep open liouse on the llth of June A mo£t elegant supper will be serv- | ed by host Simpson. Fro/,en mntton at the Metropililan Meat Company’s store. Tbe Arawa brought a fine a eonsignment. I Mr. Panl Neumann may return by the Gaelic tomorrow. If not he will be here on the Alaraeda due ne\t Thursday. Jobn Effiuger formerly eonnected with the Slar has been appointed secretary for the Fire ! Commissiouers.
T1ip lleciprocity Plantation on Maui ia tltrough grituling. The crop is estimateil at 900 tons; a great doal lesa than under former managemeuts. - The target sbooting at Makiki vesterday started at 2 o’eloek and l t«ted to 5 o’eloek. The residents , were. as usually, annoyed—but they have no p. g. protectiou. Rav. H. H. Kiee will deliver a lecture this evening at the Stone . Church. The subject will be the ' '*World’8 Fair” and will be illustrated by stereoptican views. I Mr. Morris formerly with Mrs. Gaus will managa the slides. j The second lecture on the same i subject will take plaoe on the 9tb. ' The Satnrday dinner at the Hawaiian Hotel is now a uoteworthy featnre. Manager Lewia tempts by his exquisite menue, even body who “love themselves’ to join his festive board. The Quintette Club ia furnishing popular mnsic and the (out enoemhle is desen ing of the patronof the best citizens of Honolulu. i