Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 129, 2 June 1894 — The Sabbath in the South Seas. [ARTICLE]

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The Sabbath in the South Seas.

The closeness w th wi;ic!i l!aw*iians keen iu touch with Americau civ'.liz«tion is illu.stratecl m u controversy thut has been receutly curried un ia the islands as to whe*iier or nut a band should be nlh>wed to for the benefit of tho »>ublic in Honolulu on Sandays. ‘i’he fact that tliere is a coutroversy indicates to the s igacious mind, ! witbont further 8tatenu nt to that eHect, that there ara two sides to ; the qnestioc. One party objects i to the baud playiug as u profau- | atiou of t!ie Sabbath and brings fox ward the usnal stocs of sciip tur 1 texts to support its position i The language of orthodoxy is the KHine the world over, an uppeal to | that whieh was wiitten t ous tnds of years ago. The other partv to \ the strife has a way of roasoning . * 1 that bears a cnrious reseaib!ance j to tliat used in pleading for ibe opening of the gates of tl.e \V >rhl s Fair last suniiuer. L'he toue of liglit satire resembles th»t whieh Ingersoll employs when .ttfciitiing j to what ho considers the uureasonable supers.itiou uf church | people. Thns the ortlio l<»s argn j ment that the batid‘s playmg, iuvolves labor whieh s prohibited : for the sevonth day by lioly writ, is mct by the liberal Huwaiiiaus J with tho rejoinder that labor iuvolved would consist taerely in pampiug wind into ins ruiueuts of brass aiid tliat similar desecration of the day is already sanctioued bv cliurches when thev i employ somebody t > pump wind j mto tho cliurch t>rgin, nnd another to bundle the keys aud stops. In tlie langu.ige of the Huwaiian Dr. iinggs “Uie^e sbould be no straiuiug at tlie ! band guat whiie swall.,wmg the j orgau ean'el.’ Hc also goi son to assert that nolhiug m nature shows any s : gns of rest on tue j Sabbatb, that the hum m bodv coutiunes its fuuctious wilh unab ited vigor on that day, and tU.it many noted aiul pioas clcrg\ ineu have becn kuowu to . work their stomachs oe Sondav • for uli they were worth. It is , asserted that Datnre sboald be at nuee brought into banaony witb the ideas of Subbatari tus, ami I th.it tbe latter should at onee j bovcott al) vegetab’es except . those couscieutious ones tbat will | eease to grow on Saturaay uighl, 1 ! perm»t their leaves to wither aud ! droop, and resniue tbeir gr> wth at suurise Mouday m>ruīug. j Profaue, irreverent aml Sabbatb j ! breakicg vegetables und fruits ; growiug all the week shuuld be j I reserved for clerg_vmeu. organists < \ and organ blowtrs. «bodotheir: wors ou Saudays. Fiualiy Le commeuds to the uotice ul f Sabbatarians a certaiu vtgetahle ! crlled the * taro Sabb*ticas, ’ j cu!tivated by the Hiudoos, that | ceases to gruw on h«»ly daya and | orj those t>ccasioua «>aiits a I aiusical uote :udicative • dt-sire for rwL Fiom all of whieh ii is clear • th*t Hawaii is iuduenced by j Ameneau free-ihiuk«rs m» we.l j u by Amenean missioitarie*. —Troy Bud$el. I