Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 129, 2 June 1894 — TROUBLE IN THE CAMP. [ARTICLE]

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A “Split~ Among Two P. a There is a prominent pi?lar of 1 the p. g. and of the Ctntral ' Union. who is incline«i to be an;orons. and who is weil-known 1 as ditfering froni the sentiments 1 of his coi!eagnes by noarishing a * preference for the ti«vaiians— I e?|>ecially the feraale poiiion. ( Ue wants to be a “Friecd” and 1 4*> lie issaed raore th.aa one? I u monlh s does the jwper of that * nmue. There is a hnmhie servaut of the p g : a native Hawaiian \*ho h>is a saiall satary and a wife. The *‘pillar'’ imitated the Adverti*er when it gets ū • ver the Holomca priuting finance rej«>rts. and heeaiue c >vetoas. I5nt he ‘ j.ssv s.sed ’ his indaence ai»d opjx rtanitv t<K> h ; gh. The **board *>f appeal” m tlie shape of the houip’e p. g. -ervant ( >nd b.jsbiiud) tnrned up «uti tlie pillar wiS obiiged to “colIect’ hnnself >nd liis sen-.-s *ud Uee 1 eveu as David did when be got in to the Bats< b»h scrape. Uriih in this initunce, t <r.gh is ou to the racket. 8|>eciai service at the Central tomorrow, beren>> will ofli.-inte.