Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 129, 2 June 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]

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— [\\> do not hold oontelrrs reeponaiblr for th« opinioa* or the oilenaiM of oai <ome«poBdenbi. J ! Editob Holomua: 1 notice th«t the Uoited Stites Mmister is c«lling a meeting of j i >iitrd Stale» CiUsens for the i pur}>ose of airaDginga programtue for the 4th of July. Oan you tell me if 1 am invited to «ttend 7 ' I took tbe oath to tbe p g. tbe other dav so as to vote for dele- : gates to ihe convention. Before that. I was a United SUtes’ Citi- | zen. Am I one no«7 A Sweabixg Akebican (?) [ You are u«t « U. S. citlzen. You are not «sked to attend tfae meeting ton:g)it Yon are now a ' gootl Hawaiian p. g. citisen «nd j sho Kl st*y home aud nad Dole's constitotion. Th«t ismoch uu»re t «tsusiug thao e«lebrating the 4th of July whieh i* only an Amtr~ liean UoU Uv. Eo.J • t