Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 129, 2 June 1894 — REMINISCENSES [ARTICLE]
I Vicws of Hawau s New Colony. Froiu tbe popular gallery of | J. J. WiIliMnis bas been is$ued « senes of pbotugr*pbsfrom Necker ; Islaud Tbe eolieeliou is arell : »orth ius|'«cting »ud obUioiug. I Tbe picture representing Cap- i Uiu Kmg in “fatigue' uuifonn. (sbirt sieeres) boisting tbeflig. 1 is simpiy niagoificent. A ‘ raan j of w*r" b«wk pnss ug over his j he«d «t ihe t .me «dds to tbe be«uty of the picture. A «peoU* | tor says, th«t it iooks like Ihe Amenean £sgle making (say it solt)y) • gu«uo isl«nd of the H«waiian reprcreufative,