Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 129, 2 Iune 1894 — The Crowning Infamy. [ARTICLE]
The Crowning Infamy.
Who tli« fraiuers are of tbe pro|>ose i ue» constitutiou we do uot kuow. lint an, even, cursory ]>erusal <>f tlie documeut will prove eiui>iiaticall\' tliat tbo pre* teu(ied i'ooii-will, l:beral ideas, b"n«-sly iiikI {>atriotiHin of the mon w lu» iineil h»teveus as a tool t> pluii"' Hanaii iuto inisery, were >o mueh hiineomh, frxud aml humbug. Keud the documeiit auii iet eaeh mau, womau n >1 child judg- for tbemsolves. We have l>«*on tired, day in and day out, by tho storeotyped phrases ni the p. g. oigans about our “r<*lief from {iiraidom,'’ “the dawuiug <>f liberty,” “the rid dance of tlio yoke of mouarchy.” («reat Sc>>tt! the impudeuce of tho.se uieu wlio eoulil propose so mf.inious n fuud<imental law must l>o of an annor-cl.id nature. l’lie American ideas of whieh «e he.ml s<> mueh, and so constantly aie not \isihlo in Mr. Dcle’s con»titutiou. The pkoI’Le is an unkuowu fuctor in this proposed constitution. lt wouhl t>ike too mueh space to aualyze tho instrumeut in tuto. We shall poiut out the a ; siml ties and outrageuus clausos ns the work of the conventiou goes on. To day. though we enn emphstically aud ]>ositivoly tell Mr. Dole and liis satellites, that tho proposed eon stitution w ill uever be adopted or become the fundiiinental law of llawaii. lf the meu residing hcre, calling thomsoives Americaus, if Bntishers aud 6erraans, Chinese, au.l Japanese aml the Hawaiian Naliou will sit quiet and peacefuliy by,aud allow their rights and ull principles of m dcru civiliaation of freedom and libefty to be trampled under foot by a handful of seitish,greedy capitalists, then human nature must have sa<lly changed, and, by tho gods they deserve to be ruled by a d s|)<>t wiih an iron rod. Furbearaoce lias ceased to be a virtue. Lel us lio]«e, though, that there is h<>uor and iuauhood onough among the meu who form the couveutiun to reiegite Mr. Dole's inf>nuMi8 pro]>osition to the wa>»e baskefc, and, if thoy they a»t? to frame a constitution, todo it iu sucha mauner that the sacred nghts of the I’KOPLK are the main issue, the |>iiticipal motor iu theii work.