Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 129, 2 June 1894 — Discourtesy and Courtesy. [ARTICLE]

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Discourtesy and Courtesy.

The Prts: l<Mit or Ministers or ofliceri of llie Conveotion Khowe<l the j»ress. h ir«(rLe<f <fieconrte»y bv n<»t foriiix!iinp copies of tbe prof'<>se<l cm.Ktitatioo to Kev<*r«il new>i|«*j»en». F!ie U<*LoJiC v vooM cor.seqnentlv b«ve lieen nnnhle to pres<*nt it.s rc;»ders with « c< pv »<f this very interestibp : d<enimfcnt this alternoon, if it i:ot. tliroupli the coortesy of tbe : /' <' A‘hrrli'er, lnnl !> eu nllowe»! I the ii-e of tli«‘ supj>lernent lo thnt i I' ij>er cont«ininp tbe const.totion. j Our re«il« rs will fnlly appreciato \ botli t'>e courtesy of our «steemed i o)ij>onent iis well as the dis- ; courtesy of tbo j». g-