Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 129, 2 June 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Kerosene Oii. i i 4 THE ALOHA,’ Htgh Gn OiL Pnc« at T. H. 0AUIE8 S Co. b>tI$ Im i=- : I I]mpire Saloon, Sgjth-East Corser Huuanu an'i Hotel St r e~tS. £ ioiee V/ines, Liquors J<; Gigars i A Splen»luJ Assortment of l;4f»oi\T E D p\M !L Y W«|<es Port Sherry, 23 YearS o!d. E. N. JiEQL’E, n yī 3rn Mai.figr Sans Sduc1 HD r i' WAiKIKl, UUNOLLLU. < i r irsf-C/ass Aeeommooations for fourists and lsland Guesfs c UPER!OR BATHII\IG FACILITIES. Pnvate Cottages for Fami/ieS. T. A. KIMPSON. Manager Capt. Wm. Davies, :nter-island piloī . FOH. Any Port or Landing in the Hawaiian Islands. luquite nt of J. S. Walkeh orer t>l>reckel’s iiank. feb I 4 -tf. F. GERTZ. i — UAS KE-OPKNKD U1S Boot & Shoe Store, < the 0ub Stab!e on fort Kinn'i. aml wi.l b? g..id to bis oUl fneuds. | "I C.T. AKANA lailoi" 324 Nuuana Stroet A-Il Suitis (jruarantoed To Fit an l in tbe.Latest Ktvle. I Clotbes eieaneil and Repaired. nol7 11 DAX. LY()XS { « I oAHeiNL classes| L Meet at Anon Ilall every 3 :UESDAYaml FUIDAY EYENNGS, at 7 o'eioek. Also, on • ven* SiTrRDvi Anr e\oo\ . at II o eloek. Taition, 23 Cents for eaeh n, aod aatiafaetioo goaruutoeu or uo cbargee n.ade. W»y b-t/. $