Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 129, 2 June 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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iUST ARRiVED, " " " BABY • CARRIAGES OF ALL STVLEs\ CAKPETS. ln the;lat*st.patterxs. “HOUSEHOLD SEWING MACHINES Haxt> Sewl\o Machix3s, [.(T-VII N' ith the Lat«st PAKLOK Ors:ans, Gruitars /.nd Other Mnaioal In»truui<'uU. Wines, Liqnors. Beer always;ox haxd, ani> FOR SALE BY ED. HOĪTSCHliEGER & C0. Kinjj St.. oppo. Ca>ttle k Oooke'a City !53 Meat Market Oppo. Qneen Emm.i Hall,’ EstablisLtil lsS3. JOS. T1NKER, P^M JL Y 8lJ JC4| Ma1cer of the Celehraled Cambridge Pork Sajsage ! Try Thesi. Meat DelivereJ to Anv Part of tbe City aud Sobarbs. Mutual TeIephoDd Nnmber 289. Uemoii Sidewj\U$ *axd lji , aijitB tJm l bing Laid. EalunaUa giveu on all kiui> of 0tone, Coqcrete CoXC8ETE 1 SPEtLU.Tr JNa F. BOWL*UL jaa!7 3a