Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 129, 2 Iune 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

THe A W/\f^DED, Brewing Co. wia the at the W r orlcl , S !Fair ' vitil tteir EAGL r: J3rand T3eer. | • St. Lons. Oct. 28, 1893, Messrs. Macfa2LA>e ± Co , L’d , IL)no!nIa, H. I. l)tor 8. hav<< yon « coj»y of the Glo}*-D'm<X'r(i announcipg tiin gre-»t vict» r y w«u bv tue AJfHErsEB-Br8H AssociA-( TI0.\ with tin-:r EAGLE ’ i»r;iaJ of B-ier. [Signed] AXHEUEER-BU8H BEWING ASS0CIATI0.V. ra l 0F c-; & - i V 0 s. e \r Sf 5 5 '5* aP 8 |£fiS ' a ’/ ‘ v nm f * .V ■ ' i ■ 5Ti%* .rī- « -- “ LTl - ./ r^.£> * © Tf 0 & «3 R!SHW» lu oiiloilu» tuis Beer be sure to a.sk for tbo "EAOLE’’ Brand. Atacfarlane &; Co., Mar. U- 2rad. Agents for Hawaiian lalanāa. OElWAY & POEĪEE, I Robmsou Rlock, Hotcl Sf., heiiueen Fort and Xnuanu, Have Just 1» t vtd, jt r L{.te Anivcls, (Le I i.ige£t Stcck of FUI NUUEE Ever linpOrted to this Couutry, Comprising Handscme Carved Bedroom Sets In Solitl Oak, andofthe LATESTDESIGNS. ESPECI\I/ ATTENT10N T IS CALLED T0 THESE SETS: XVZOZiS3X=l WARE, Beaui fnl Des : gus of Wicker Waro, consisting of SOFAS, CHALES. EOCKERS, ete.,vou ean get these iu nn\ FINISH you desire. 1 CHAIRS, Conntless naiul ers of CHAIRS, in everv stvle, including OFFICt and HIGH CHAIKS. Em'EITSIOIT TABLES, We have had a number of calls for these Tables, with CHAIRS t> n atcb. We have now in stock the most BEAUTIFUL DINING ROOM FURNITURE £VER SEEN HERE. Sideboards and -:- Cliiffoniers »DIVAKTS.'S! Divans coveml with PORTIERS are b«coming qaite the rage in I»lace of LOL NGES—w» mauufaeture Iheua to onler. and have » aige stock of P0RT1EBS to sel-ct from. BEDni2Ta. . Gre it As8ortment ofWOVEV WlRE MATTRESSES—S pr ing. H\ir. Moss. W«»ol a id Straw Mattresses ou hanl and aaaia to order LIVE GEESK FEATHERS and SILK FLOSS fur PiPowa. CRIBS, CKADLES. eie. WINDOW SHADES of all colors and siz^s. CORNlCE POLES, in wood or brass trimmings. Mattresses, Loonges and all Upholstered Furniture repaired a rraso’iable n tes. ■■ GABINET MAKINO. in all its branches. by Compeaent Workmer e' MA1TING L.-vlD and Int-rior Deeorating ander the Saperris;on e jMr. GEORGE ORDWAY. | Our Goods »re F rst Ci .ss. and >*ar prices are the lowest '•' and be convinced —a trial is » >licited. B.< Betl 525. TELEPHOJfKS: Muluai 645. ‘Om>WAY 4 PORT£R, Kohmaoa Bioek. between Fort and X Com