Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 129, 2 June 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
HA.wA.il holo^u\, is rCBLISHED Kverv A.ftei*noon EXCEFT 8CXDAT bt the Holeniua PubUsJuag Co. At King St. (Tbomas block), Honolala, H. I. Ju3SCai?nc:T. psr 2Co&th. 50 Cts. 1 Tlic pn *»r i*» rleliTered hy Carrier» in th«? iovu nubarb«. f jr at thc N#w$ I)**iilt*n* iDu nt iLe Offie6 of pahliemUon. EO.VUHD N0RRIE, - - Edltor GtORGE E. SfJUTHtES • Mansyer . \OTICE. All Bn'iiifs<i C,>nimuPlor\tion» shonld ho #d'lif"< 1 to < E Sunthies Hono.alu, H. I. C ,nv>)>ni;iieiioo «u.t ts>ninitiniontK>n« tor i.u)ilicatit>u »iioultl )>e :iililrvsse,l U> the E>litor Uawaii H"k>muu. Xo uoiioe will he paid lo u!iy aii.>uyuioUK o,iuiuiauications. J »usiucss ( \ r trtls A. 1*. i’ETERSON, atiounly at law. Otli,s-; 113 KHahmuann S*rpet, Honolnln Huwaiiau Islundii. CHAKLES CREIGHTON. ATTOUNEY AT LAW, tiifioe; il:i Kaahnmuun Street, Honolulu H «waii&u Iulands. PAUL NEUMANN. ATTORN ky at law. 314 Merchant Stroet, Honolulu, Mutual Tolei>bone 415. t LARENCE W. ASHFORD, A1 rollNEY AND OOCN8LLLOK AT LAW. Offl,w. Old Cupitol Huihiing, (Honolnln HuM, adjoining Post C>ffioe, Uonolnln. j'OHN LOTA KAULUKOU, ATrOKNEV AT LAW, Offioe, oonur King & Betbel Sts. LEWIS J. LEVEY. Koal EsLite and ftenerul Auctioneer. Corner Fort aud Qaecu Sli**t«. Ilonolnln Persouai «tteution given to Sales of Fnrnitnre, Roal Estate, Stook and Oenen l Merchandise. Mntna) T,-leohoue A. KOSA, ATTOKNEY AĪ.LAW, No. 15 Kaahamanu St.. Honolulu, Hawaiian ialands. THOMAS L1NDSAY. Mnunfmiurin<j J«\txler ami Waichmaktr, MrIo«*rny Wnek, 405 Fort, Str. Honohihi M. U, LOHEIDE, S1l>N AN*D OKNA5JENTAL PAISTDL [Hawaiian H*nlware Go.J All onlen» promptlv attended to. W. S. L,UCE AVine and Si3irit Merchant Ciinpi*U Firt~proof Block, M£RCHANTST. HONOLULU.