Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 129, 2 June 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Funeral Noticc The hiceral of J. H. Lorejoy will take plaee tbe tomorrov (SaDday) afternoon at 3 o'eloek fmm SL Andrev’s Catbe<!ral. Frieods aoi scqoatDtaDce3 are . respectfaliy ionlei to attend. I I 4th JULY. A Meeting of CITlZE.NS of the United States to make arrangements for the CeIebration of the of will be hekl at tbe Arlington HoL-l. SATURDAY EVENL\G, st 7:30 o’ekek. ALBERT S. WILL18, -t E.E Jt M P. T U.S.A. i ■_ . I FUNERAL NOTICE. Knights of Pythias. Thf officers and member* of' I Mvstic Lodge N<>. 2, Knight» of Pythias are hereby uotfitdlobo preseut at the Castle Hall of Oahu Lodge No. 1 K. ofP. on Fort St, ou Snnday afterncoa, Juue 3, j at 3:30 o’eloek for the purpose of the fnueral services of our late brother J. H. Lovejoy. AU visit ng brotbers ara aordially invited to be preseut. I’er ordar of the C C. A. V. GEAR. K. of R. & S. 1 Jnne 2-lt. NOTICE. DURIXG my ahpenee fru:r the islanda, F. J. ! OWRKY wi’.lact for me under full power of Attorney, ;md I ūl n«t resp<msibl»* for any bills eontracted hy r.nyone else in my naim. Mr. F, C. KOIUK will attend v. "any <>rders left at the ehop. ’ FR1TZ J, WILHP.I Vf, Honolulo. May26, IS!*4. 123- wdly I THE COMMERCIiiL 3ALOON, Harry Klemme, Manoger Cor. Nuuanu ct Beretania sts. Honolula, H. I. The Only Sporting Honse ia Town. O. lr*. S. a Speciality. L0HENGRIN LAGER 'BEER, Always on Draught. 2 GLASSES FOR 25 CENTS. Best of Wines, Liquors, and Ci°ars. ! ALWAYS ON HAND. jul tf Thc “Eagle Housc” IP’pi S^.I_EL The Lease ami the Good TT 'iU of this FavorUe FamUy Holel. THERE ARE FOUR Di:TAi CH£D C«»ltages anneied t Ihe 1 Huiel sa;table f >rpriv,.te fanrilies. The main building eoniaii s 20 I Bed Rooms large Dining F-oora. Parlor, etc. The farnitnre is all elegant and in g>od condition. The Groun>is are beautifolly laid j out in Trees, Floweis, Ferns. and I other Plants. This basiness ean bebr<>ught al 1 1 a bjrgiin on easy terms as tu pay- • noent. #W*AppIy to T. E- K ROUSE, ;! Arkugton H< tel office. may 9-tf PACIFIC 8AL00N. Coroer Kiag *nd X«tuaa Stneet». EDW. WOLTEB il*aager Tbe Fine»t wleeoon o i LI v »CO.tS*nd «li u>yvb*re tn tb« kr<rn. Fir»:-ciAsrt itttnd«noe. Cnil »r.i for jobbcU. w W-'i THOMAS LINDSAY. Mannfadurin<j Jexcelet iui WalckmaJstr, •i«bn| BkMk, m fbrt. 8V. B««Wi ♦