Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 129, 2 June 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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The foun<latiou to the new Allen R.ibinson bailding on : Qneen street is being laiil. It will be an imposing structure when fiuisheil. The building for tbo Kamehameha girls schoo!s is progressing. It is hopeil that the woik will be fiuishe<l, aml Ihe buihling ready lo be delivered iu January. It is the largesi woodeu x stracture ever built here. Mr. Mutch is the superintendent of the work. '‘Tommy' Lueas lookā like a workingman now. He say» it [ used to cost him about $10 a day wheu be was a “poiUieian,” now he makes $10 as a meehanie. It is all the same— ouly it is different. The proposed constitution is • being discossed on all street1 corucrs, in saloons aod restaur- * ; ants. Lvon ihe delegates eon1 ! demn it. Tbose of them who I bnvont read it (eitber becaose they cau’t read or they wont> approve of it. I Tbere is evidently “tax-trou- . ole’* on Molokai. Asseasor f Mahoe. at least, has 10 casea s; sgainst citizens refasiog to p»y . taxes m his di*trict. Tbey will t be heanl before J udge Kepoikai ,t next week in Mailuku. Mr. Muaoe is nndoubtedly pnMwUon