Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 129, 2 June 1894 — Arrival of the R.W. Bartlett. [ARTICLE]

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Arrival of the R.W. Bartlett.

T!ie fonr-masted scbooner E. W. Bartlett of San Francisco left 1 t!iid jort for Layseu Islaml on April 16. aml witb a fair strong wiud reacbed the islaud on tbe j moruing cf tbe 19 th. Sbe left again on tbe 14th. of May and , arrived oH’ pnrt last night and | eamo alongside tbe O. K. <fe L. ; I ' Co.’s wbarf early tliis morning. Tbe s>cbooner is in comniand of j Captain OIseu and brings about i 1000 tons of guano consigned to 1 Hackfeld aud Co. for tbe new Fertilixer Company. Captain Freeth andH. Schlem’ raer witb 49 Japanese, inclading two women. remain on tbe island. Tbe body of Carlsen was found ! as desoribod by the Master of tbe i L’Avernier, but notbing definitc i eouhl bo sud toucbing tbe causes whieh mav bave led to bis deatb, * as the papers are in tbe hands of j tbe German Consul.