Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 129, 2 June 1894 — A NAVAL COURT. [ARTICLE]
The Charges against Capt Jameson not Proven. i TLe n*val conrt of inqniry referred to in yesterday‘s issne did not get throngh its arork before late in tbe day. Tbe conrt aras called on boerd H. B. M. S. Champion to investigate the eomplaints of Charles Anderson second mate of the brig. L Aveoier, who charged the master, Jurueson, witb ill treatmect and crneltv. T' e roate aud some of the crew dtsired to be discharged frum tue ves.sel, bot the conrt simply reprimandeti Captiin Jameson aud ordered him to pay the costs amounting to $13.50. The court w<is'c jmposed of the following ni’.med gentlemen: Capta:u Eostace Kooke, eommandiug H. B. M. S. Champion, President of the Court; Mr. F.M. Swanzy, British Vice Consul; Lient- R. N.igent. R. N ; H. D. (.i. Foord, R. N ; Lieut. W. F. Ilenuell, R. N.; and A.ssistaatPav mast«r S. Hayles, clerk of the court. Charles Audersen, Amlrew Larseu, Arthur SiviHe, Frauk Perry, McArthur, aud William Vincent were called as wituesses. Captaiu .1. meson who h;is made Iiiniself ve-y popnlar. since his | arrival, with a uumber of citi.( zcns is sati-hed with the deci.sion of tbe court. He Las had eousiderable tronble on hīs jonruey. i Sorae uiiscreaut on board at one tiine. while the vessel was on her journey to this port. threw the pump clappers overboard. The vessel was leaking and she and the crew were placed in great danger by the cowardly act. The culprit was not detected, whieh is j a pity as an examplary punish- 1 ment should be admmistered to tbe cowardly sooundrel. The brig is now discharging eoal at i the new wliarf.