Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 129, 2 June 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
Where is tbe Arawa ? Heavy »howers of rain feli last night The term of the Circait Coart ends tonight. The Sapreme Coart will sit in bauco next week. Toraorrow is Sans Sonei day Ever\body will be tbere. Who is sccretar>’ of Board of Edacatiou? Tuere are sotne very low goings on at the reef. Major Kobertson who has been unwell for t‘ e last week, is out ag»in. The trnck 5s rather heaw vet. It wiil be airight. thongh ou tbe llth inst | TLe Lahaina race horses are expected tomorrow morning by the Ciaadine. Tbe horses now in training are in fine trim. Look out for Aato * ! nomy ■ ( Mr. Ballentyne the «eli-kown sporismau will probably arrive 1 tomorrow with his horses. ; : i Capt. Wm. Davies, who has > been quite ill is around again attending to his bnsiness. It is stabd that Judge Frear lias purchased a residence near j Punahon. Tlie Hayward—Fostercase will probab!y be closed this afternoon. Uuited States citizons meot at at the ArIington tonight at 7:30 to make arrangements for tho celebratiou of the 4th of Jaly* Thc Hawaiian Hotel servos the usual elegant Satnrday dinner tonight. Musio and dancing will enhanee the enjoyment of the gastronomic feast. An opium joint was raided this afternoon by the poliee. Eye wituesses testify to the unnecessary violence used bytheofficers. Suoh rulfianism shonid be stopped. Tlie Holo.vca kahuna predicted weeks ago that the New Constitution wouhl ioclude a bouse of lords, but be dido’t know that Neckerlsland wastobeconquered | for a royalist St. Helena. Do not L rget that the nsual Sabbath excercises will be held with ball-cartridge at Makiki j aud Punchbowl tomorrow. The riuging of p.g. bnllets go well with tlio ehime of the clmrch bells. 4 Capt»in Freeth, was reported as having arrivod this mornitig from Ltysen Islaud. It was not so thongh. He stiil governs his g iano domiuion
If the I. I. IS S. Corap»nies dou't hoKl out any rea.sonabie imiuoemenU few borsee frora here will be sent to K ihului for th( 4t!i of noxt month. Jodge Cooper is geuerally praised f*'r tbe manuer iu whieh he has oonJucted the term fiuishing tonight. Th is afternoon tbe g>xtb game of baseball of the geason will be played betwoen the Uawaiis aud : Crescents. • The funer.il of J. H. LoTejo} will take plaee tomorrow after noon at 3 p. m. froro tbe £nglist | Church. The ditferent lodges t< i whom the deceased belong wil be in charge of the ceremony. — I The merabers of Excelsior am Harmorny Ltidges. 1. O. O. F and cf Oeo. W. D. Long Post, G A. lt . will attend the funeral e J. H. L)Tfjoj at Sk Andrtw’ Cathedral tomorrow aftornoon 1' The first meotioned will meel * £xcelsior Hall and lbe othen a i Uarmony Hall J 30.