Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 129, 2 June 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Kerosene Oil. ‘ THE ALOHA,’ H:gh Grjde Oil. Price M xlrraU, at T. H. DAVIES & Co. ciy 16 Im Empire Saloon, SOuth-Ea$t Cor\er Nuuanu and Hoie/ StreetS. Choic5 7v'in2s, Liquors 5; Giosrs A Sp!enJ.d Ass.>rtment «»f lfdf*of\T ED p>VI«5Ly Wif<Es Port cjf Sherry, 23 YearS o!d. E. N. REQUE. my53<a Mamig-r Sans Souci HŪTEL. WAIKIKI, UONuLULU. r irst-C/ass Aeeommoaations for fourists and !s!and Guests 9 UPER/OR BATHIHC FāCIUTIES. Pnvate Cottages for Fami/ieS. T. A. S| MP80N. Manager, i 1 i Capt. Wm. Davies, INTER-ISLAND PIL0T FOH Any Port or iu the Hawaiian Islanda lnqnire at offioe of J. 8. W«i.keh orrr 8preckel’s Baak. Ub F. GERTZ, - t HAS RE-OPE\KD HIS Boot & Shoe Store, Oppx tl»e Ciub * Stab!e on F><rt Str*et. anel wi ! be g <d to see bis old fnend.s. uuy7-tf. LY()N8 CLASSES Meet at Arion Hall erery TUESDAYandFRLDAY KVES“ 1NGS, «t 7 o’eloek. Also, on every SATTBi)Ar AFTrBX00N, at 2 o eioek. Taition, 2ō CenU for eaeh LosHon, and satisf «ction guranteed or no cbarges made. may S-tf. W. S. LUCE Wine and St>irit AIerchant t' in%phdl Firt-proof Block, MLKUIUNIBT., HONOLt*LU.