Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 129, 2 Iune 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Hawaiian Hardware Company

L The Ailvertiser who catches a persons eye usnally wins a custooier. Many diflerent stytes of advertising have been adopted and witb more or less soccess. by tbe believers in the use of priuters ink. The ni.inofaeturers of Pears Sonp. for iustance, occas on ally bnv paintings that h>ve been on exhibitīou in tbe Pari’s Sa!on ahd have llthographs uiade ’ from t!iem for the pnrtv>se <>f briagiug t’ieir j>r »1 ct bof >ro the (>eoj>le. Iu ad lit»oa t> < leh side is.>aes, Pears|>eud> liau lre\l> thousiuds of d»dliis anunalh’ arnong the newspapei-s and mag azmes. Some years ago the *.geuts i of certain ar iele on sale in New York mai’e a hit iu »dvert sing by: baviug on Broadway during bns iness hours two fatlaessly drcssed Negrv>es wearingvery hig!i col!ars. on the backs of whieh was j>rin- i ted “Use S>oiths Pitl< ” The ; ide.i was novel «ud tlie pnblie caught ou. Rising Sun Stove • Polish lias been koj>t before the j puhlie for years through persistent, and sometimes expensive; advertisiug. Twenty odil vearsi i ago the mauufacturers of tiiis polisb started half a dozeu men acrossthe orui neut to paiut signs j on rocks aud fences. Tiie Aermotor Co.. of Chicago have in- 1 creased its sales more than five hnndred per cent iu two years by the use of printers iuk. We believe wo have bcen instrumental iu increasiug tho s ies of the Aeraotor by keepingeverlastingly j i at it in Hawaii. We do uot wish to say that advertisiug will sell auy mauufuctured article; there is no use | speuding money in advertising ’ “eheap «nd nasty” goovls bei cause the [>eople will uot be hoodwiuked. If Havil,md Ohina was ; not ttie superior article 4 it is, all ; our aclvertising of it wonld uot i have sold tlie thousands of 4 pieces that we have. We simplv ealli - # \ j tbe atteution of the people lo it- | and its superior quality is appar1 ent to the customer directly a pieee of it is examined. i Printers ink has helpeel the sale |of tbo James Loekeel Eenee but , ;t would not h.tve dones so if it bad been as fiimsy as the or dinay wire fence. First; the economy there is in building it recomraend.> it to the plautittion manager und 1 then its durability clinches tbtI the sale lf the stays aud wash- ; erscost as mneh as an ordioary redwood post our s<iles of the iuaterial would not have reached ! such enormous proportions. Our average sale of tho Pansy Iron Stove is aboat two a day tbe ■ year ronncL if was not tht ! best ir4n st>>ve on the market we wouid not sell tlmt many in six months. Advertising is tbe tip i to the puhlie the good points iu thearticle sei!s it just as tbo good I qualities of tue Fischer 8tee. Range make it a desirable article • for j>eople who wish to eeonomiae: I in the use of fuel. We buy only what has proven | good after peKiple in the Unit«d j States or Earope have given it a trial; we profit by their experince if Ihe articles are goood we bu\ 1 and seii them; if they are poor . we st«er clear o( them. When we advertise ao article it is to attract atteutiou to it; the news- ; paper >s tbe button we pnsh, the salesman does tbe rest. Pei-sistent advertising conpled with the art cle beiog a saperior ■ one has sold thoosamLs of tbe l’nne Walcot Emory File. If it bad been no better than an or j dinary scythe stone we prob*bly ; : woald not have sold twentv. . , When a man finds out tbat hts i j table knives may be kept»b >rp at| 1 ail iimea at an expense of fifty : eenta .nd a \ery liille tlbow greaae be U qaite to try * the expenment j MEaniiiIEinnu 307|Fort Stree: l