Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 129, 2 Iune 1894 — POLICE COURT. [ARTICLE]
— I f Niue Chiuese for violating Sec. i J _ | 1, Act ‘21 p. g. wero remanded till June 5. Qnng Tai, malicious injnry,was remanded to Jnue 6. Young Fan, Chee Hoi. Hoi Chee and Ah Kan, f»r vagi incy, 1 j wt*re fouud uot guiity and dis j charged. One inebriate was discharge. F. Hunleu vvas remuuded to | J u ne 4. ! Fo Clian. delinqnent licen.se. , remanded till Jnue 4 > Fntnk Coojier of the fire. . d«p»rtment has resigned his position ns a foremun. It » is commonly aske«l today i( tbe framers of tne proposed constituti> n know the differeuce ! bet\veeu a fundameutil law and I a legis!ative en ictroent. Tbero is j roore of the latter in tbe drafted ! iusmim-nt tbuu of the first j acoordii g to ail an(horities on ! : pootic;tl science.