Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 129, 2 June 1894 — Church Services. [ARTICLE]

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Church Services.

The services of the Catbedrul Congreg ition of St. Anvlrew’s Cathevira! f»r tomom>w are as foll>>ws: Second Snnd iv after Trinity. (J:30 a.ro.. Hoiy Com- . imiuion: ’.l a. ui., Mat*ins and Sermou; 3 ’>0 p m. £vensoug Hawniian; 7:30 p.m., £vcnsoug aml »eraion. The ser\ices of thē Second Congregation of St. Amlrew’s Cathedral tomorrow (Sand iy) will l.e as f<>iiowt.; 9;4-> a.m., H >ly C<’miunnion with eenuon; Sanc aii<I K\ i ie. Sm«rt in G: hyiuns 310 ,tml3‘i3; Nnne Dimittis, Ch«rd in A; 6:30 |>.m.. eveu><>ng with sermon; M iguiflcat. Torlein C;; Nune Dirnittis, Moniington in D; ; hvmns, ->37, 193 aud 19. Rev. Aiex. Mackiutjsb, p;istor. Ali are invited. At the Ceutr.il Uuion Chnrch, cor. of Beritaui.i aml lliehanl sts. ( services will be held as follows: Sanday Scliool «t 9:45 a.m., Pnblie Worship at 11 a.m. und 7:30 . , p.m. Tbe Youug People’s Soc - etv of Christian Eitdeavor will ; meet at 6:30 p.m. All are conlially invited to these services. The Y. M. C. A. merabers will hold serviceson SuudHy, 11 a.m., j at Oahu Jail; l:lō p.m., at the Barracks; 3:30 p.m., Bible study i 1at Y*. M. C. A.; 6:30 p.m., Gospel pr<iise service at l'. M. C. A. Tnesday, 7:30 p.m., prayer ; mcetiug at Y. M C. A. Reorgmized Chnrch of Josns i j Christ of ]j«tter Day Saiuts: Mililani H -.ll, rear of Of>era j i Hon.se. Services will be held ou l j Snnday as follows: 10 a.m.,j Bil)k> class: 11:15 a. m. aml 7:30 I p. m., preaching by Elder J C. j ; Clapp.