Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 129, 2 June 1894 — More Rumors. [ARTICLE]

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More Rumors.

A most idiotic rnmor was i sta-ted this afternoon presnmably from p. g. he«dqaarters- It w*s to the eflect tbat M:nister W.llis had n<»tified the government that tbe United States conld not conntenance the proceevlings of the convention or tolerate tbe proposed Constitntion. A nnmber of the p. g.’s evidently beiieved the absurd report an*l l«x>ked very gloomy. What ti.e goverument ohii g»m by spre.iding snch u>is le.tvliug reporls is bard t<> futhoui.