Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 128, 1 June 1894 — POLICE COURT. [ARTICLE]

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j Ah S;t m for nol.ttio n of pass i j uprt l.tw W!»s Femanded to Juue 5. j Oue drnuk was fined $3. Leong Moo. assuult and batten was retnandetl iill J«ine 4. Oae femaie who had absorhe*l . too mueli !i’juiJ lu.tu vr\s admon- i ' ished and discbarge 1. 'Pouikn. « uii-Mle age,l Hawaiian cJinrged with vagrancv wa« seut*>Qced to two monlha imprisonmeut *ith bard labor. aod II coet«*