Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 128, 1 June 1894 — THE CONVENTION. [ARTICLE]

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AVise Alen Meet THEIR DOL\Ga The Pre«ident eal!ed the eonTention to order at 10 a m. Ke\. J. Waiaman offeied praver. On the roll of merabers beir* r r cal!e<l by the SecretTiy.about t»*u f«iied to ans«er to tueir narae« Ttie raajor;tv of tbe abseotees ho«ever, aoon file«l in aml to».<k their seata. A letter fr-’ra the Esecative ae.? Advisorv Cooueil vr»s read bv t»-e secretarv. inforniing the convent.on th«t J. A. Met'amliess «.,> eiecteil a meniber of the A<lvis«rv | Couocii, au-i tberefore. now elieible tn t »ke his plaee as a meiuhei of Hie convention. The Pres>»lent reqaeste*l Measr< Ka-u.i, Vivas and Pogue to iiiVite | one of tu« judgestotbe eh*tmber. j in crder to swear iu the ne« tneiuber; wheu the Cliief Juslice. ; haviog been iutroduccd Mr. J. A. \ McCandless »as du!v sworu aml ‘ took his seat. { Mr. Brown reported that the | coniraittee ou roles wonld be pre- j pared to report at 1:30. Ou uioiion of C. L. C.irter. it { ' was voted th»t the PresidHi;t be ! reqoested to furnish tiie couven- | tiou with a eopy of the draft i ! ; the coiistitutiou referred t > iu his <>pening address as e <rlv as ■ possible Tiie President stated that !ie ) wonid i»resent itto the c->uveuti'.<n 1 at 1:30., to whieh hour the eon- : vention adjourued. AFTFENOON SESSloN. Audienoe nutabered 11. out of i whieh there were 3 natives. Tlie Secretary read a letter ! from Mrs. Mary Leavitt urg)Qg a ■ prohibition plauk in the Coni stitution. laid on the tabie. Mr. Brown read the rules adopted by the comniittee for Ihe guidance of busiuess and dcb»te. , lt w»s resolved That the re}»ort of tbe eoiomll i tee be adopted and tiie roIos ; j translated and printed. Mr. Baldwin reported from the i Cominittee on expeuses, tixmg the pay of Sergeant at .\rnis, ō; Messcnger. 3; Stenogn»pher, ō; t Cbaplaiii, 3; Int«rpret- r, 8; Se-1 crct rv. 8. BiOwu raoved tliat the report be aaiemleu to 810 foi Soeretary aud lnterpruter. Mr. Baldwin contended tb.it i j couveution must ecouomise. Mr. Carter arg«ed in favor of the eut proposed by Baidw>n. Questiou }>ut th»t s.-iiaiies be i increased to 810 for Iuterpreter aud Secretary was canied in a rising vote and the report as umended was udopted. Letter from the Schuelzen Club was read, contaiuiug a protest «gainst the voting !rauebise beiug granted t-> tLe Japunese. Petitiuu was rece ved aud laul on the table to be cunsidered with other siim!.tt matters. The Presideut said th»t the Coustituticiu wuuid be m his: hauds in iō miuutes and »t 2;0ō recess was takeu for lhat Tho couveutiou re-»s.sembled »t 2.30. wheu the petitiou of H. Klemme was read The Attorney General moved »nd w»s sec*»uded by Emine1utli, that the petition l>o refened to a - epeeial coinmittee. Carried. Al- ! 1 len, Lyuian £mmeluth, Uobeit I sou anel W. O. Smith were tbe ! < conimittee. j I

Oa iuotion to adjoorn, Kalua I sngge»ted proceedĪLg, but tlie iuotioa to adjourn wns urgetl ov XIr. Young and others ou Uie ; ground tbat the native versiou of the coQstitntion wonld not be ready before Mondnv. i The Attnrney Generul stated that copies in Hawaiiun wonIJ uot be ready before next Wednesday. # .The convent on adjonm-1 ed tīli 10 a. m. Monday nt*\t- . i Long Branch,'ouder the e£fr— 1 cient toan«gemeiit of Oolonel Sherwootl is a most* popn!ar i' resort. Anybtxly wishiug to tike j a pinnge in the Pacific sbonld board a tnun and c«U at Ihe Colonels. Special f.tciiities f >r patties, p:cnic. bathing and moonligbt exonrsious jcan be j at Long Branch.