Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 128, 1 June 1894 — Rich! [ARTICLE]

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1 1 1 Jndge and Deleg *te Robertson object**tl yesterday to tbe nommation of Dand Nahoolewa for the i positiou of Sergeant-at-arms to tbe C. C. The bouorable geutleI uian objected becaose tbe eaodidate was a government offieial. and tbat his dnties in tbe C. C. I woald prevent him from attend- | ing to tbe dntiee for whieh be is paid by the government. While we fnlly appreciate JudgeEobert { sou s seutiments, aud eadorse bis views on tbis matter, we most say that we were somewbat snr- i ] prised to see kim of all men rais- ! ( iug the objectioo. Uaa ke forgot- 1 j Uu tbat bo draws a salary and * ( ' does for il? * j