Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 128, 1 June 1894 — Exp!anation Wanted. [ARTICLE]

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Exp!anation Wanted.

\\ t' an> n<>t tn ing to be cbronic bowl«>ri. «>r t«> 6nd fault w tb tlie ROverninent \vitli«>nt rc»aaon, j but w<* »e«ist khv that tlie slipsh *«l rainner in whieh «ppropri- i ntions are n»ndt». and hea\A’ atnonnts ar«» e\|*eiule«l tleserves critioisiu. That is as long as they art» not e\p)ainetl iu a l>etter maniier Umu nt>w is in vogue.

Among the api>rof>ri)«tions ye*U*i\lay bv the Coaoeiū we fiml the fu)lowin£ item. Li|>ease of plaviag loao of 1808 $ 10.860 00 No». »h«t “lo*n h.HS been pUc«d ia 18l<3 tbat bas jnstifiej aa ex(>em1itore of $10.860? When in f«et. b*s tnv loan been “plaeeO’ sinoe tbe Eng!isb loan whs c nsmn.Hte<l bv Colonel G©orge W \lNcfarlaue? It isyet fresb iu oor uiimln bow Mr M«c- , f«rlane vas abose«1 aml insa!ted. 1 bec«use tbe expenses of plaeing a t»o niiliīon ilollaeloan auioont- ' e«i to $7"i.()00. Anti reraetnber weli tbat the luan aeg< tiated on beb«lf of Hawaii by Mr. Macfar- ! lane was tbe first foreign finaacial tr usact'.uu of tbis country. That Mr. Macfarlane esiabiished tbe credit of opr government Tbat

| Uawnoian p-«j»er io Ihe L»~»ikdoa market was a nove!ty. and perhajM> • cor.«»sity rather tbau a gilt -edg*d document. Now. Hawaii’s ciedit is establisbed. Now. j Hawaiian paj»er ean be so!d and quoted in any market at a fair fignre and yet we fiod tfae immaeulaie Provisionai govern«neot aaking the taxpayers fr*r $10,860.00 or rather piifering tbat amount from tbe treasury to pty for aileged eij>enses of selling Iess th*n $lt)0.0<0 »>>rth of government . boods. How big is tbe loan eontracted in Has the M nister sold more than $100.000 worth «>f lx>nds dunng the last year? If he has we fiud no rec< id nf it. We are wel! aw;ire of t!ie fact that Mr Hamon is uot alone a shr»’wd ni«d clever fiimncier and his honesty is beyond doal)t. bnt we think th.«t the c<>uutry is entitU.*'l to some kin<l of an exj>ianation a lien large amounts are exj>end<-d for purj>oses be yond ordinary comprehen8iou. W’e ask for such an eiplanaiion so moie willingly beciuse we know th«t Minister I>amon has always been ready and anxious to aee <ont fnr everv exj>emlitare from a cent to a million incurred by bis government At the same time it wonid be of interest to have an offici.il statement in re gard to the present valne of government bonds. Wiii’e they >ne qnot”<l here at 98, it is generally state<l —and never officially douie«l—that they ean i>e bong!it in the Hawaiian Consul General’s office in San Franc:sco at 84. An address on Hawaiian bonds is now iu order. i aml Mr D:unon is bonnd to make it.