Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 128, 1 June 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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WM. DAVIES, Ut Stevedorc' a*d i W recker. ESTI3IATZS AXD CO.VrUCTS OX ALL KD»DS OF T»oRK. Tbe Schoooner MAIIIMAHI, run rv»roUrir tbU jx>rt an-i ■ Wa»lxx K.wrailupu, M >ka tia, K.c*vesn: ' •a<i Kmki n tbe tsUnd o( ! Diu For Freight, etc , appiy 10 lbe Captain. Intjuire at Offic° of J. S. \V:ilkēr, ov- r Sprt-ck-Is B&nk, or Wright Bro? F.>rt Stjvet. dec l«-rf Long Brancli BATH I N G Establishment. This First-class Baibmg Kesort has been enlarged iud is now ov»en to the pubiio. 11 is tbe | best p'aee on tiie isī;n<U to enjo\ < a batb and th«nr* n no b. :ter plaee to lav otI. S:rc,-.a. aeeom mod;itions for Ladies Tramcars | pass tbe door evcrv balf bonrand on Saturdays and Su days every fifteen minutes. 0. J. SH£RV/000 Proprietor DAINIPPOS Hotel street (Arlington Block.) The a!<ove Store h.« r> •> ;Tet snother Spleudid luvo. r ol Japanese 3ilk, ANCY pOODS, Per S. S. “China.” —eOHI’KUlNi; — BEAUT1FUL SIL1 i |AIvD CRAPE, Dress G‘>ods in all shade, j)’.aiu and tignre<. ! Cashious, Tnl.lt Corers, B.d Covers, f owiu, C hemises, Shawl; i. Silk Crape Hainlmw Slb, All Colors Fancy traperies, EMBR01DEEEQ ! HASD iERCHIEF's [ Doillies, Scj.rfs. 8«t>bes, J»cket6, Ca;*, Etc., Etc. KOVELTIES: The Pritvs o( these Go.sU ri.I istouish yoii iucludinj. ELEGaNT S1LK KIM0N08I H;indsome Cig»rette (.«»es, JPin Ct shioas, Suk Tea Cos»ies, LIRGE AM> SX1LL J P1HESE HLG> Silk Umbrel'as, light >ut strong; CUair S*ddK-s, SilK; Bsmbo") Bliuda, ti:ted with palleys; Siik Laiup Siu»des, uew »lyie. JAPAMŪSE SCKEENs, fruiu »3 l p. LUU>F. JiPl.NEMi U>»KELL1S C«n b* Set with P- !e la the groun. niēeio? Picmcs or Lune. out o( door., they eun be opeueii out or *sed as • teut. COTT()N CRAPKS IN GREAT VaR ETY tjJ r Iusr'ectitin Kespecrful.y Inrited. MRS. J. P. P. COILACO, Proprietres3. Aprl.-3u.« Dr. Ed. Armltage, M. R. C. S. (Bng.] L, R. C. P- iL.nd.J D. I*. H. [Cisi»enuty o< Cu:ipbr dgej. hn ol Isi nd of K»u«ī. HAS F.sT.VBUSHED HI 4S£I F IX THS ol3Svw f ru*ady o-e i, .t i by D . F o •. co.ucr o! bcn.-Uiii i aud Paueiiiow 8-rt •*. — OFHCE HO'JSS: — ® to U a-ai.:2 to 4 p.m.;7 to 3 p m. Scm'avs: 2 io 4 p.m. M«tunl TeL 234 BeU T*L ltf