Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 128, 1 June 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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OCEAXIC SteamshipCo Time Table. LOCAL LIXK. S.S. Ai:STRALIA. Ajtīt. H Honoioln fr m S, P. wr h, F. Feb. 24 M»r. 31. Mar. 24 M.ir. 3. Apr. 21 Aj»r. 2S. May 19 Miy. 26. Ju e 10 Jaoe ’J3. Tlii’ouL'li * 'iue. From San Fnn. for Sydney. Arrive Houolulu From SyJney for San Frauclsco. Le ive Honolulu. Anchor-:-Saloon Ex “AUSTRALIA,” Anotlier Invoice of the World Honowueii FREOERICKSBURG LAGER BEER| On «1raught and by tbe keg. Also, as a Specialty, Small Fresh California 0YSTERS, | FOK COClvTAILS | mayl 3ms Chas. T. Gulick NOTARV PUBLIC For the lalaiul of Oaku. Agent U> I'iiko Aekuow letlg(uenls tw Labor Coutracts. Agont to Grant Marri:igo Lieenses. Honoluiu, OaLu. Agent for tlie Haw’n IslamLs of Pitt A Soott s FreigLt aud Parcels £x{>ress. Ag«>nt for tlie Burlington Honte. • » Real Eslate Bruler aiifieisral Af°it Bell,Tel. 34«; Mut. Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. OFFlCE: Xo. 38 MERCHANT j Str»>et Hnnolulu H E?t:.b;ished 1863 Pioneer Steam Candy l’ACTO.IY BICKE3T aei 1CE 09EAIPARL0RS F. H0RS, Propriet >r. Weddin£ and Birthday Cakes to Order . Fancy Breud and Guav i | JeUy. * { F»ct>ry aui Sk)rr, - No. 71 Kiiig S.r«.et. Both Te!epho: ea 74 •p2tf * rv.