Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 128, 1 Iune 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

|-j. E, $ Be^o [IMPOBTERS AND DEALERS IN £^13 Oroceries,* F > i'o\’isions Feed, EAST CORNER FORT A KfNG|STS. New Goods Rec'd By every Packet frotn the Eastern States anJ Enrope Fresh California Pnxlace by every steamer. AIl onIers fa.thful!y attendeJ t>. and Goxls delivered to any part of the city FREE OF CHARGE. Island Oniers Solicite,l. Sat sf.sction Guarante< J Piwt Office Box N>. 145, Telephone No. 9*2.

TEXTH Annual Meeting 0F THE Jockev Club. •/ • — JUNE II. 1894 OlHeial Progi'amme liaces to Cnmmence at 10 a. m. Sharp. Isr—BICYCLE RACE. Prize Sliver Medal; vahied at |2-). Enlianoe fee 11.50; 1 mile tla«h. FreeforaIl. 2— KALAKAUA PCRSE #100. Running Race; J mile tlaah. Free for all. 3— HONOLULU PURSE nOō. Trotting and Pacing, to harne?3; 2:40 elaaa. Free f >r all. Mile heats; best 2 in 3, 1—R0SITA OHALLENOE ClT. •f300 ADDED. Running R;»ce: 1 mile d :sh. Free for aII. Winner of eop. lo beat record of Ar.gie A. 1 ;45i. 5— PRESIDENT WIDEMANN‘S CUP, #75 ADDED. Running Race; f r Hawaiian brcd. mile dash. 6 — JOCKEY CLUB PURSE #100 Trottingand Pacing, to harness Free for all. Mile heats; best 3 in o. 7— OCEASIC STEAMSHIP CO’S PURSE #100. Running Race; 1 mile dasb. For Hawaiianbred. 8— MAUI PURSE #100. Trottingand Pacing. toharness 3 minute cla«s. For Hawaiian bred. Mile heats; best 2 in 3. 9— KAPIOLANI PARK PURSE #125. v Running Race; U mile dash. Free for all. 10— KAMEHAMEHA PURSE. f ioo ITrotting and Pacing, u» harness. For Hawaiian bred; mile heats; best 2 in 3. —. *JT-A11 entries are to |be made with the 6ecretary, at the ol!ice cf ' C. O. Berger. on Merchant Stref(, j before 2 p u Wedne«lhy, June 6th, 1 1894, alwhieh time they will dose. Entry fees t> be 10 per cent. ot the l>urse, unless otherwise specified. gjr“Al! races are to be run or trotted under the rules of the Jockev CIub. All horses are expect©J to start unless withdrawn by 12 ? o’eloek noon, on June 9lb, 1894. | g&F~All hon»es must appear on tbe track at the tap of the bell from the Judges stand; otherwise j they will be fined. I G«nanl admtacioa 50 cents j Graad sUad 50 eenu »ad |i » Carmge of eoane] «*ch...... lioO j Qaarfantoetch W. M. Giftard Secretary Haw.»ii m Jockey Club may 10—2 wks d y