Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 128, 1 Iune 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

4th JULY. A Meeting of CITIZENS of the Unite<l States to make arrancements for the Ce’.ebration of the of Tu.l37", will be held‘ at the Arlington HoM. SATURDAY EVEN1NG, I at 7:30 o’eloek. ALBERT S. WILLI8, 2t E.E 4MP.,UAA, \o r riciv DURIXG n>y al»«ence frotn the islands, '!r. F. J. LOWRKY will act for j me under fnll powcrof Attornev, ar.<l I i : will not ree!X>n!«ible for any bills eon- ! tr«cte»l hy anyone else in my name. Mr. F. C. RO|FK will nueiul to’any 1 oriler8 left at the shop. FR1TZ J. WILHEL'». | Henoluln, May2t», TS‘J4. 12o-iwtl!y j THE COMMERCIAL SAL0QN, | Harry Klemme, Manager 1 Cor. Nnuanu «k Beretania sts. ‘ Honolulu, H. I. The Only Sportmg Houso in Town. O. S. a SpecialityL0HEXGBIN LAGER BEER, Always on Draught. | 2 GLASSE3 FOR 25 CENTS. \ Best of Wines, Liquors, and Cigars, ; ALWAYS ON UAND. jul tf | The “Eagle House” poi s-a.i*:b. The Lease and the Good WiU of this Favorite Family Hoiel. THERE are four detaCHED C *ttages annexed to the Hutel su Uble t>rprivate families. The main building contains 20 Bed Rooms large Dining Rooin. Parlor. etc. The furniture is al! I , elegint and in gx>d eondition. The Grounds are beaatifally Iaid > i ou * Trees, Flowers, Ferns, and other Plants. This bnaiurss ean be brought at a bargiin on easy terma as to pav- [ ment. t ! IW" App’y to II T. E- KROUSE, } Arliugton HoteI office. may 9-tf PACIFIC SAL00K, Cona Kin* tad Kaiuum Sti» EDW. WQLTFB w Ra<lst *d«noa ot UQUC BCEB, «id aeywb»re in tU town. *««»d«a. C*n au