Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 128, 1 June 1894 — CORRESPONDENE [ARTICLE]

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—... .■ [We do not hoM oursdvji respousible for : the opinion» or the ntter.iuees of our corresj>o u ;le n U. ] i | Eniīon Holomc.\; I As ti matter of right, iu view of tbe"fnlly recogDized”polioy of the j constitutional couventii>n to eoni sumate a transfer of tbe aucīent pōssessi >n of tbe Hawauans to the people of tbe United States Xilly | l Villy, one of Atnerica’s most bumble citizens would question j some aasmuptions made by brotber Dole: ."I would urge upon your at- ; teut:on tbe>cceptod view that the franohise is a duty or fanotion of > citizenship oonferred bv the state | ratber tb.iu a rigut.'’—Savs Mr. ; DoIe. I wouUl eall attention to the fact tbat tbis ia not only, tiot tbe ‘*accepted view,” but that,as lnto ' as 18 : 1 Mr. llerbert Spencer,— Mr. D.de’s authority,— md tbe moderu autbor of tbis form of cbougbt, —tbough be, bi:nself, ; absolulely in bis "So‘ eial Statics.’--us&s ap good prin* ter’s ink, su;l;cient to cover pages 174 to 2b0, iuclusive, of liia Jus‘ I tice, in a vaiu endeavor to pruve it; and in the 4 Appendix B.” of ; tbe samc book, he takes six pages i to eiplain why he was misbiken in wbat be sasd in*‘SocialStitics ’ ’ And what a lame bnsioess be makes of it. he who rans may ! read. Se« the follv of it, Amer- ; icaus aay. tbe enlighteued world ! says; tbe majority of its cītisens . make aud oumake tbe Stato. Can : the citizen create any law, auy autbority stronger than the soorce of itf Tell the members of auy business corporatioo tbat it, and not thcy, bas the right to conduct i its policy, aud he wili laugh at you. Tbe Stale is a bnsiness corporation, its members, its stock-LoIders. iU d:rectors, are I tbe residen:s of ihe Sute. | ‘'Althougb tbe est.tbiisbmeot of a faudamentnl iaw wbicb shaii •s far as posSible, pruvide furtbe safe and pena.inenl admiuistralion of atf~ira apua the principles of • repubdcau fonu of governmeat will be tbe paramouat objoct of your dehberatioQS, tbe

origina! purpos« of tfae Provisioniat Governmect to negotiate a tre*ty of poiitica) union with the great and friendly nation that lies nearest to os, most. I respectfally sobmit, be as fnlly reoognized by yon as a rital policy of the new republic as it has' be«n of the Provisicnal Government/’ Savs ilr. Dole; and this is the part of his address that gives me the right to criticize. lf any resident of these islands imaginea that tfae Cnited States »ill accept tbe fruits of a highway robbery, where the victim bas been tbrottled into acquieseenee, he is reckoning withont knowing the character of his wonld be receiver of h»s stolen gootls For years our Constitntion was a lie. It took miliions ,of dead. and miliions of money to wipe ont the staia; America, when awako to the facts, will not barter this victory for a boat Ioad of tinkers. Th« people who dietl from Ball Kan to \he •ea. Fr-jui (>«-!trshtirg i!o»u to Shik>; Tbat hUek mau and wuīu miehl erer be ... Will scaroe‘r be H± waii's foe. Then: ire too many heort • that are fill«d with regrv|; Too m.iuy soals passed through sorrow sn*i . pain; To ever onee hope tbat our land wili forget And <x)uutta jnce si;ivcry . An Amep.ioan. ;