Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 128, 1 June 1894 — A Slander Suit. [ARTICLE]

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A Slander Suit.

A jary ws fomu.il yesterday afterno«>u to try tlie of Foster vs iJuy\var«l. TLo fo low- ; ing are the jury; Citrl Mett Geo. Grey, John j Lucus, E. Vandorn, Frank Hns- | tace, Geo. S. HarrisJr., Wm. \V. > Hall, E. F. Bishop. A. B. Hattield, H. J, 2si)lto, Wui. F. Love aud C. \ on Ham. It will be remeuibered that this is u suit for damages whieh Mr. llalph Foster claims from H Huyward master of the Mari- ■ poaa. The amount nsked for is i •■?!(),000. The cornplaint is that Hav\vard has pussed some verv i disparaging and damaging re- ■ marks ubout the relationship of Mr aud Miss Foster who for some tiiue have resided iu this towu. Very spicy evidence is i expeoted and tho Court-room wrs crowded witl; spectators. Wm Foster and C. W. Ashford apj ear for plaialiU', aiul Kinney defends the Captain. The case will hardlv get tiaished todav. _L” '