Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 128, 1 June 1894 — A BIG RAID. [ARTICLE]

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B TWO CHINESE CHE FA BANkERS SEIZED. ANumb-r<f Well-Known Chltiese Captured. i This morn»ng Depaty M.irsbal Brown assisted bv Capts. An- » drews and Parker raīded Iwo notorioas gaojbting den= and socceeded in closing them np. i One bank was run by So Tonug a prominent Chinuman foro)erly with Judge D tvidsoo. Hi» bank was in the house next to the Kaiiinakapil» Cbarch. occupied by the Ton Hin S«jciety. The other b-nk was situated m thc Hoit t>remises ou Nuuanu street. I) th seiznres are of ira- , portance as the t\vo pnncipals are considered thc most dtring gambiers in towu. No money or cbecks were found in the Ton Hin bank whiie the one on Nuuana street yielded a bett«r resutt. The cases against the ! arrested men will i rub »b v be | tne«i tom-»rrow