Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 128, 1 Iune 1894 — A Sad Accident. [ARTICLE]
A Sad Accident.
Punikala. a n.itive Hawaiian, iu the emp!oy of AHen & Robin* aou met his ithath yesterday while \*orking in his emplovers’ lnmber yard by being crnshed i under a piie of lumber whieh toppled orer and striking the nnfortnnate man ornshed his skull. Tfae deceased bad been working for a nmnber of years . for Alleu A Kobinson, and was highly esteemed by his employers. lt is fortunate that gimilar • accidents are very rare here, «bere so mueh lnmber is bandled in fact tbe fatal accident to I l unikala istbe firstof its kiod on reoord.