Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 128, 1 June 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

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To-morrov ia the Ust day of the term. , The Haward case bas been on all d*y. Tbe Oaba Railway and Land j Company met at 3:30 p. m. "• Fire at Holel Street, as we go to press. False a!arm. Tlie Kinan left this afternoon for Mani and Hawaii. » ■ 5 » The Poliee felt prond over the eaptore of two ehe fa banks. The late J. H. LovMj'oy was in>ared fur $15,000 in three policies. So}ier was “s»ved’ bv one vote in the sj»ecial session yesterday. The Arawa was not sigbted as the Holomia goes to j)ress. The Nasturtium is the favorite Hower i [ the day, and moeh ase»l as buttonieres. I All the storekeej»ers have got , nothing to do, and plenty time to do it in. The \ oleano Hoase Company ho!d their annual meeting at 2:30 this afternoon. The stockholders in the Reciprocity Sugar Company meet at 4 p, m. todav. The Philudelphia is coa!ing. She is getting ready to go and leave Hawaii to her fate. — Ruth»lo Beer is the order of the day. Even p. g. men go to the Royal to t»ste it. The acting district-judge An-’ touio Perry evidently doesu’t believe iu mild sentences. TbeHui Kulaiaina has issued a pamphlei in Hawaii dealiug with the late revolution. Hay Wodehouse is mueh improved in healih. It is hope»! that he soon will be around again. Harden’s case will be ealle»! tomorrow in the District Court, if he hasu’t disappeured before then. The disiuissal of Judge Dauiels ■ of Wailuku, Maui hns not j strengthened the position of j tiie p. g. — Two Hawaiian clerks in the General Post Olhee were dismissed yesterday. Refusal to , register was given as tbe cause. • Tomorrow’s game between the ilawaiis and the Crescents pronmus to be intetesting. The j H twaiis will win Tho A wants tbe Neek er lsland Jdols. and ch»ims the finders have no right to the stone 1 images. How about Kalakaa’e j swords? Steara Rolltr is at work every morning on the Waikiki road. It generally gets “stranded’' iu tbe soft sand for whieh that road is faraous. Carl W.ileman went to Hawaiī by the Kiuan on a visit toPabuer Woods. the managerof tbe Puuhue Rauch at Kohala. Mr. Wulemaun will return to town in the latter part of June.