Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 128, 1 June 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Company
The AilTerti«er who catohes a pen»tms eve asaally wius « ' eostocuer. \iany ditterent stvles o( ailvertisinir h »ve been sdopte»l *U‘.l witb iu*>re or ies» snecess. by the bel»evers :a lbe ose of printers ink The niinnfactarers of lVars S *np. fi>r iustanee. oeoasion ..llv bay |viiiitinf;s that h*ve lveen on erhibition m the Pi«ri‘s ''.ilna »i:• i b.ive lithoj;niphs muile fro«u tberu for the parpose of briagiag their pr-xi ict before tiie |>eopie. In a>Klition t<> soch eule i»nes. Pear si>en.ls hun<lreds thousm>ls of dollais annnalh' amoug the newsp«ipers and m*gaZ:nos. Some years ago the \gents o£ eertain ar t iele on sale in Nevr Y<‘rk niai'e a hit in advertisiog by h«viug on Brortdway during busiiie.>*s honn» two f itluessly dressed Negroes weariug very higli c >llars, on the b.»cks of whioh w »s printed ‘ l ae S!nitiis Pills.” The i»le.« vras uovel »ud tlie public eanght on. Ilising S.m Stove Pulish haa boe i kept before \he public for years through j>ersisteut, aad sometimes exj>ensive advertising. Twenty od»l venrs ago the iuannfactnrers of this polisb started balf a dozeu oien across tbe oruiiueut to paint signs ou rocks aml fenoe.s. The Aermotor Co.. of Cbic.»go have increased its sales more Ihau five bnudred per cent iu two years by tbe use uf prjnters iuk. Wo boheve «e Lave beeu in.strnmen> tal in incroa'>ing tiie s»les of the Aemotor by keepingeverlaatingly at it in ilawaii. Wo do not wish to say tbat advertisiug will sell auy tuanufactnred article; tbere is no u.so ; spending mouey in advertising •‘eheap und nasty” g»>ods becanse the people will not be hoodwinked. lf Havilan(f Ohina was not tbe superi<>r article iit is, all our advertising of it wouid not bave sold tlie tbousands of ,pieces that wo have. We simply eall tbe attentit>u of tbe people to it aud its superior qaaiity is appareut to tho customer directly a pieee of it is examined. Printcrs iuk has belped the sal«» of the James Locked Fence but it wu iKl not h ive donesso if it had been as flimsy as the or dinay wire fence, First; the economy tbere is in bailding it recornmends it to tbe plautation manager and tbon its durability eliuehea tbe tbo sale . If tlie stays and wasbers cost as mueli as an ordinary redwoo«l post our sales of tbe maierial would not have reached such enormous proportīons. Onr averago sale of tho Pansy Iroa Stove is about two a day iiie year round. lf was not the best iron stove on the market we «onld nut sell that iuanv in six montiis. AdvertisLng is tho tip to tbe publ:c tbe good poiats m thearticle sells it just as the good qua!itios of tbe Fischer Steel Uaage mako it a desirable articie f<>r {*eopie who wish toecouomise ia tbe uso of (uel. Wo bny only wbat has proven good after people m the L nited I States or Earope huve given it a trial; we profit by tbeir experince if tbo artic!es aro g<x>od we boy aml sell tbem; i( tuey are poor we steer clear of them. When we sdrertise an article it is to attract attentiun to it; the newspaper ; s tbe botton we pusb, tbe salesman does the rest. Persistent advertising coupled with the *rt ela being a saperior oue bas sold tboasamls of the Fraui Walcot E;oory Filo. If it baJ been no better tban an ordiaary scytLa stoae we probably wouid nut have sold twenty. Wheu a m »n finds oot that bis table kuives may be keptsb»rp at ali times au expjnse of fifty cenis ,.nd a very iiule elbow grea.se be is quite witling to try tbe expenmeni f aslHaf o Hirti m 307 Fori Str«f4