Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 128, 1 Iune 1894 — A WARM GRASP. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


A Most Unique Address. ! ! 1 , A deleg.ttion from the Amerieun League boarded tl.e 3f.iri- , posa yesterilay aiul braving tlie i immiueul dauger of sinking the , j vessei by the following “heavy” ; article {>reseuted the»r address to . | W. G. Smith the departmg editor ' j t>f the St<ir. lt is a difiicult, but i interesting eonumlmm to solve i at whom the address is d>rected. | ‘‘Tho warm Grasp of frien.lship’ . is pretty gooiI for Tim! Gentlemen: A few of m have assembled here to bid farewell to , an admired and valued friend. To Mr. Smith I say, on behalf of ■ the Am©rican League. that we feel we are losing a fast friend j and earuest ally. His departure leaves a distinct vacancy. We i shall ioiss lns preseace, his voice and his pen. There leaves u> one whose b!ows \v£ie beavy. whose | thrusts were eleau, wb<>se feverv etfort in onr cjinse was well ) directed and etfective. iii leaving the.se Lslands Mr. j Smith creates a ileep and wide ! interval m the ranks of those : battling steadfastly, t>ersisteutlv, ; courageously aud uncompromis- : ingly for the canse of auuesation and Americauism. All of you are familiar withhis ; reconl among as. He has been tbe moving, active genius of tbo.se principles dear to 03, He | has been foremnst in tiie strnggie for libertv He Las been a leailer | iu tbe moremect to secure for os those privileges for ftbicb onr forefathers nobly batbe<l the soil of the Unite<l States in blood. 1 He has been aggre»sive. faitliful an.i untiring, a strength to onr eaoae. To the worth of snch a friend we are able. aufortanatelv, to : pay bot sligbt tribute. We ean otfer him oply the warm grasp of frieudship au 1 the best wisbes of •the beart In the expressive tongue of | this favored land we saj t > him ‘ Aloha, Aloha Nni.” May he prosper as his Uleots and bis merits deserve.