Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 128, 1 June 1894 — FIRST BLOOD. [ARTICLE]

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Mr Dole s “Constitoosiiun I Creates Tronble. It is reported tb%t the docament whieh is sapposed to s.nre Hawaii was the caase of troable in a eertain newspaper oāiee yesterday. It seems tbat it was tbe intention of Aliah Do!e nc»t alone to presc*ut a copy of the Coustitution wuieh tbe 36 wise men are ordered to pa>s. to the conrention. but even to have it . trauslated into the Hiw\ii >n l»ugaage, s«> the maeh despis«d ab-T'.giues who do not undc*rst-«nd Euglish couIJ be enabl*-«l t-> rea.l digest anj rehsh t!»e boon shoit- | ly to be conferred npon them. There was a hītch, though somewhere. fhe Eugiish portion was »inght, 1» t ti»e pnntmg c>fiice t<> wineh w.<s entrust 1 tbe ‘s>-ttiiig of the v.ilu hle u-.inn scnpt. h»d n->t considered it ; udc«ss.iiy t« b*>tber ;ibont the Hawaiiau v«rs;on The inter- ; preter and the ( »ppar«ntlv) m tn agc*r of tue | nutiug shop dis:igree>i i <l«ciding who w»s to blame and on whom the wrath ;cf Jopiter Dole shou!d fait with jnstiee. Hot words Aoweil »n<l fiually » blow wis struek. The wi}>ed of-the-fl >or Thurstou w,ts preseut aud }n>ured oil on the troubled waters There is a gleam , of tlie inniella iu the eyes of the “s!apped” partv with a uauie not ! nnfami!iar to Frenchraeu, whilo there is a transl.ited copy and a ; bill iu the pock«t uf the aggresi sor with the uaine not unknown to the }»oj>es of Home. Mr ; Tbnr.stcu is still with us, bnt not 1 on the fl >or. The coustitution will be }»reseuted t <is afternnon and undoubtedlv eauae more hot words, more blows and moro troubie thau it so far has dono.