Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 127, 31 Mei 1894 — Who Has Got ’em? [ARTICLE]
Who Has Got ’em?
_ I The late King Kalakann h-nl « very fine seIect : oo cf swordH They were in the Palaee, when the Qneen moved oat,and we are : tohl they baredisappe;«reil. Sncb j randaiism towanls pahlie pn- ; perty is inexcnsablo. The cotlection eomprised some ren> 6ne specimens and, if it wascousider ed as b<iIonging to the gorerr- | meui, it shoold have beea ’ ; pieeeneii in sorue iuusenm Jt. ts commuuly sUted tbat w«dis. ia . | tho prirate houses of the i andshopkeepers.whomas(]:ier.vli { as Colonets or M.tjors. nre or ; namented vith tbe late King's | sworda. Au inrestigatiou aud aa ! expl«nation shouid be made.