Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 127, 31 Mei 1894 — DECORATION DAY. [ARTICLE]
l A Fme Celebration of The Day. Tho participation in the Celebr«tion of tlie day of sid memories hv all onr citizeus wus uuasnallv urge vesterdav. Tho • o J J p.muie made a very goo*l apI»eirance. Five comp<nes of volnnteers aml a battallion from the U. S. F. S. Philailelphia escorte«l the members ->f the G j o. W. de Long P..st. G. A. K. The loeal si»l«li.»rs w»»re nnd*T eommaml «>f l»I,ij. r McLeod. while L * Jjienteiirtiit Comm.«ud< r Logan had charge of the Phi!a«lelpb1a men. Tht j rocession started frorn Harmony Hall ou King str>et l und procetded to t Nuuanu Oeine- ; terv wher«r tlie following prograiuine was carried out: l l. ‘‘The Duty »f Tou«y”. .FoetCummnTider ( 2. Mu»ie.. Ban>t 3. Pn»yw e’huplaiu ». “Ttwlay i' t le F«*1īth1 <<f our P* a.l" Post Cuamiitn>ler .V Peeonuion <>f On*ves,.< >ffi,»r of tLe l>ay >i. “Couirad> s, by this Servioe'’.. .CLaplam , 7. Musie Band i S. A<Liress Oomnule A. S Hartwell !). Koll eall of the l>eud Adjahuit 10 4 ‘Sulnte the Dead" Post nnd Esoort 11 “ Ameneu” Andieuce and Baud 12 Beudiction Kev. O. P. Eaiemon Mr. A. S. Hartwell was the orator of tl e d»y and Mr. W. 0. Smith alsc made an uddress. Tlie graves 'm the «l fforent eemeteries were beantifally decorate«l by friendly and loving hnnds and a ven- larg3 nuraber of people gatbered at the Nuaaunceineterv «iuring the ceremony. 1 1 "