Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 127, 31 Mei 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

WM. DAVIES, StevecIoi\‘ axp W recker. EsTIMATEjS iXD COVTBACTS 05 ALL KIXDS OF WOEK. The Scboooner MAHIMAHI. • «rUl ran rvgnUrir betv««a this port and | Wai.il’ja, Kawaih«pni, MokaWia, Kuwmai I «□ ; Kuiki cn the islan>) of Oahu For freig'tu, etc , apply to tht C*ptain. Inquire at of J. S. \Valker, ov-r Si>reekc*Ls' Bank, or Wright Bros? F«irt Strcet. (W lb-tf Long Branch BATHING Establishment. Tbis First-class Bathing Besort has been enlarged aiul is now oi>eu to the public. Jt is the best p!ace on ti.e islands to enjoy a bath auJ there is no better plaee to lay oii. Special aeeom- ■ rao<Iations for Lat)ies. Tra>ncars pass the door every half ho irand ou Saturd.ivs and Suudays every fifteen rainutes. 0. J. SH£RWOOD Proprietor DAISI l’POA Hotel street (Arlington Block.) The abore Store has receive.l auother Spleudid Invoice of |IaPANESE jSlLK, f ANCY pOODS, Per S. S. “China.” —COMrKISINO—BEAUT1FUL SILK |AND CRAPE, Dre-« Ooods in nll shade, plain and tignre«l. Cushions, Tahie Covers, Bed Covers, Gowns, ehemieea, Shawis. | Si fr;ipe Haiuliow Silks, All Colors Fancy Drajierios, EIBBOID£fi£D HAHDSERCHIEFS Doilhes, Scarfs, S)islies, Jaokets, Caj«s, Etc., Etc. XOVEF.TIES: The Pneea of these Goods will astuuish you. inotuding ELEOaNĪ SILK KIMŪN08I H »ndsoiue Cigarette Cases, Pin Cushions, Silk Tea CVn-sĪM, L1RGK IXD 8MALL JimESE Rl*«S Silk r oibrellas, light but strong; Ch*ir Sa idlcs, Sili; Bamboo Bhuds, htted with puUeys; Silk Lanip Sh*des, uew style. JAPAStSK S( KEEN*. From $3 T|». - L1RGK JlPi>CSE 1'1BRCLL1S Caa be Set wiih Pole In tbe gronnd, iioe for Piemea or Lanehea ont of doors, hty ean be opened out or aaed as a tent. CUTT()N CRAPKS IN GREAT VAR'ETY yin*pectioa Besj>ectfnlly Invited. " KRS. J. P. P. OOLLAOO, Proprietresa. Aprl2-4m* Dr. Ed. Armitage, -®-C- S. [Eng.] L. R. e. P. fLoad P- H. fTnivenay of C»aiphridreL 1 of W«unc% IaUad of Kanai. A» ESTABUSHED HTMSELF IS * ot&ot (urmeriy oocupte-l by Dr. P wr ol Hoeiua ud Pnnehhow) So — OFFICE HOl'HH: — •to 11 ul; 2to 4 pjB.; 7te 8 p-M 2 to 4 p.m. T«LS4 SaUTfL . ■ *- ■ afe?