Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 127, 31 May 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Kerosene Oil. i I __ ‘ THE ALOHA,’ H ; gh Gr«d« OiL Prioe M'xlerate. at T. H. 0AUIE8 & Co. Empire Saloon, South-East Cqr>\er Nuuanu and Hotel S^eefS. GLoice 7/ines, ) I ; Ldquors Cigars i , ! A Sp'.endid Assortment of || o, iT ED Fap ,,l tW , h es Port <% Sherry, 23 YearS o!d. E. N. REQUE, ir.y53m Mauag'r ; Sans Souci | HD r i'EL, WAIKIEI, UOiNULULU. %: * fi r /rst-Cfass Aeeommooat/ons for fourists and fsfand Guests 9 UPERI0R BATH/NG FACILITIES. Pnvate Cottages for Fami/ieS. T. A. SIMPSO.N. Manager Capt. Wm. Davies, • fNTER-!SLAND PIL0T KOK Any Port or Landing- iu the ! Hawaiian Islands. luquire »t offioe of J. S. Walkek over Spreckel't) ll^uk. feb F. GKRTZ. IIAS RE-OPEN£D HIS Boot & Shoe Store, Opp »s : te tlie C!ub St«b!e ou Fort Strvet. aml wid bc g.ad to aee his old fneuds ni 13*7—tf. C. T. A.K A.iS"A. j īailop 1 321 Nuuauu Street 5 Aii Suits Guaranteed To Fit aod iu tbe.Latest Style. Clothes Cleaned aud Repaired. nol7 “ LY()NS QANCiNQ classes Meet at Arion Hall erery L’ESDAY and FRQ)AY £V£N - drS, at 7 o'eloek. Also, on eir S\ruiuur Arr. ksoox, at o’eioek. Tuition, 25 Cents lor eaoh aeeeon. and satiaf<ction gaar> Ateed or no ehamn i H