Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 127, 31 Mei 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

E, McImty*i ē Bi^o JIMPORTERS iM) DEALERS IN Grroceries,* P > roA'isioris __ ***S IPeeel, EAST COR> ER FORT ± K1NG;STS. New Goods Rec'd By erery Pactet froni the Eastern States and Earope. Fresh Califoraia Prodace by eveiy steamer. All orders £aithfallv at»nded t-». antl Go<xis delivenxi to any part of tht city FREE 0F CHARGE. Island Orders SoIicit->l. Sat ; sfaction Gaarautewl. Pi»st Office Box No. 145, Telephone No. 92.

TEXTH Annual Meeting OF THK HLVWATILV>r Joekev Clnb. JUNE 11, 1894. OHieial Proffi*amme Races fo Commence at 10 a. m. Shur/j. lsr—BICYCLE RACE. Prixe Sliver Meda]; valuotl at 923. Enlianee fee 91.30; 1 inile dash. FreeforalI. 2— KALAKAUA PCR3E ll00. Kunnin» R:ice; i mi'e dash. Froe fur all. 3— HONOLULU PURSE 1100. Trotting and Pacing, to harness; 2:40 class. F’rce f >r all. Mile heats; best in 3. 4 — R03lTA CHA.LLESGĒ CUP. 1200 ADl>ED. Rnnning Race: 1 mile dash. Free for all. \Vinner ofcup. loheal record of Angie A. 1 ;45$. 5— PRESIDKNT WII)EMANN’S CUP, 175 ADDED. Running Race; for H.iWiiian bred. 4 aj Ue dash. 6— JOCKEY CLUB PUK3E 1100 Truttingnnd Pacing, to harne«s Free for all. Mile heat«; best 3 in 5. 7— OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO’S PURSE 1100. Running Race; 1 miie dash. For Hawaiian bre«l. 8— MAUI PURSE 1100. Trottingand Pacing. to harness 3 minute class. Ft»r Hawaiian bred. Mile heats; beat 2 in 3. 9— KAPIOLANI pauk purse #125. Running Race; 1$ mile dash. Free for all. 10— KAMEHAMEHA PUBSE, 1100 Trotting and Pacing. to harness. For Hawaiian bred; mi!e heats; be»t 2 iu 3. gMP~W\ entries are to |be made with the Secretary, al ihe olliee of C. 0. Berger, on Merchunt Slree(, before 2 r m Wednesday, June t>th, 11694, at«bich timetbey willeloee. Entry fees to be 10 per cent. ot tbe l*urse, unless otherwise specified. gjtĒ~ Ali races are to be run or trotted under the rules of the Jockey CInb. AU borses are expectcd to j sUrt unleaa withdrawa by 12 I o’eloek noon, on June 9lh, 1894. 5 : : hcrscs mu«t appear on tbe track at the tap of the b«U from the Jadgee staud; otherwise they wlli be fined. Geseral .uion 30 eenu Grand »Un>i [extra] .50 ctatt mU $1 Cam»gB [iuaui: o/ runr*ej eaeh $2 50 Qnnxtast»tch bnd*« W. M. Griffard SecreUry Hawaihn Jockey Ciab m*y 10—2 «ks div

xotici:. DURING my absence fro n the ’ isiands, Mr. F. J. (OWKKY will »ct f >r me under full power of Attornev and I will not responsible for any bills eoa-. tracted hy anyone else in my nanie. Mr. K. C. ROIFE will attend •» *any orders left at the ehop. : • FK!TZ J. WILHKLM, i Honolnlu, May 26, 123-lwdlv . 'I I The “ Eagle Hou»e” : -Lr’OX i • I The Lease and the Good ‘ ] Will of this Favorite • Familij Uotel. THEEE ARE FOUR DETACHED Cottages annexed t> tfie Hotel suitable forprivate fanilies. ' The main building contains 20 Bed Rootns large Dining iooia.) Parlor, etc. The furnit iro ia all :, elegant and in good condition. The Gronnds are beautifully laid ) ( out in Trees, Flowers, Ferns., and other Plants. This business ean bebrought at a bargiin on oasy terms as to paytnent. to T. E- KKOU3E, Arhngton Hotel office. may 9—tf PACIFIC 8AL00N, Corn€r King and Nnuanu EDW. WOLTER....Manager. The Finest aeleeuon of LĪQU0ES aad B££R, so!d anywbere in the town. First-class attendence. Call an<. jncge for yourself. no 80-*i. 1 ■- ’ CAUFORNIA Wine Company| 407 F0RT STREET, Mclnerny BIock. JOBBERS OF WINES, anel SPIRITS j OHEAP FURNITURE ! E4T & Qq * Corner of Eing and Eei.iel Sts., Hooolula, ’ OdVr a large aseortfnont e f fine acd dfsirab!e FURNITURb; j ahieh tbey sell at a v-?ry losr £gore. R*i«fceads, Baruaus, iīe;.t Safes, Wardrobes, etc., afc prices to sn;t everybody. Call and inspect foryoorselvea nur 12 VINQ FAT 4 CO.